Wednesday 3 February 2010

1st Feb 2010

  • That’s why Helen is Hellin!
  • Don’t pounce like a rabid ferret, David

That’s why Helen is Hellin!

“We decided to go away next month”


Didn’t Helen notice that Annette showed no enthusiasm, which was no surprise as the holiday talk happened during a very prolonged Hellin attack of "what shall we do? How about this? Or this? Shall we eat some snacks? Watch a DVD? Which DVD? Go for a walk? Where?"

Perhaps if Helen was better at noticing when someone isn’t showing any interest in her plans/ideas/DVDs, maybe she’ll be (in her own mind) let-down less often, and be a far happier bunny!

Don’t pounce like a rabid ferret, David

That fell on death ears Ruth – but I think many of us would be eager to know more about a student who can afford a convertible!

I did particularly like David’s and Ruth’s reaction to Pip’s description of the film

Pip: it was about “dreaming about a better life – about the human spirit”.

“Huh”: David and Ruth

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