Saturday 31 July 2010

30th July 2010

The Archers: Joe’s boycott is over …Kathy calls Jamie’s teacher … Vicky discovers Tom’s no longer interested in making Veal and Ham Pies

  • Energy Bars and working out
  •  What’s a Millennium Wood?
  •  £4.50!!!
  •  Goodness me Kathy. Stop it!
  •  That’s it Brenda. We’re truly over.
  •  You won’t get away with that one, Tom

Energy Bars and working out

What’s Josh up to then?

Jamie’s right that all this preening must be for something other than to relieve boredom.

First he finds his voice, not he seems to have found his …

What’s a Millennium Wood?

I know there was lots of projects and 'stuff’ built and done to celebrate the millennium, but how does a forest figure?

Am I just being dense, or can a forest be created in inly 10 years???


When I was Josh’s age, I had 25p on a Friday to go to the local shop. I got a magazine, a juice, a packet of crisps and a wee poke of sweeties.

I also walked to school in the snow, had chance from 5p after going to the pictures and had second hand clothes until I was 18 …

Goodness me Kathy. Stop it!

I think we can all sympathise with Jamie in his frustration over Kathy.

We’ve all had enough. We all need a break. Please!!!

I do agree with Kathy that you have to watch what you post, say and do on the internet – but can’t she wind her neck in for just a second? Does doing the ‘right thing’ have to always come first?

“Mum – but that’s crazy”

Especially when Jamie’s teacher (Jackie Osborne) doesn’t really give much of a hoot about her picture being up and out.

But, even after Kathy knows that Jacky finds it rather funny. She still can’t let it go.

At this rate, she’ll lose a son as well as a partner.

That’s it Brenda. We’re truly over.

I may think you’re a bit dim. I may not understand what on earth you see in Tom’s Sausages. But, you’ve never irked or upset me. So I thought we were rubbing along quite nicely.

BUT that was before you uttered:

“See the amount of cosmetics she needs to stop her falling apart”

You were laughing at our Lilian. Unforgiveable.

Quite simply, you’re not good enough to even collect her shopping.

You won’t get away with that one, Tom

And while I’m on about Brenda, she surely isn’t going to let her dad’s wife spend her time and money on a venture she knows won’t work?

Hopefully she’s letting Tom wind her up (by saying that he isn’t going on with the veal and ham pies because it “didn’t feel right somehow” and that he’s let her down), but I’m not quite sure.

And lest we forget that we haven’t as yet seen the full version of Vicky’s nasty side.

I know who’d my money would be on …

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