Tuesday 31 January 2012

Susan and Neil plan a quiet night in 29.01.12

The Archers Sunday 29th January 2012

  • Tracey’s patches and cracked balls
  • Brian’s avoiding Adam
  • Rush on at Bridge Farm
  • Saucy over chilli
  • Jennifer begs Brian
  • Brian can’t even leave the dead in peace

Tracey’s patches and cracked balls

Neil’s not entirely impressed with Tracey’s decorating. Her painting is a bit patchy, which she claims was due to her going off to talk on her phone to a mate. She forgot where she’d been painting.

Neil is also a bit confused about the cracked balls Tracey is planning to have on the end of the poles her voile curtains.

(did Tracey says ‘voile’? sounded a bit more like ‘voliad’)

Tracey reckons the balls are fashionable, not just broken.

And she’s also roped Neil into fitting it for her. Even though he has a day job.

She later on tries to be his “lovely assistant” while he’s working on the bathroom, but only manages to annoy him and spill stuff. She really is quite an irritating woman.

[Tracey] “Grouting? Who thought that word up … sounds horrible, like something your pigs would do!”

[Neil] “I wish you’d stop going on about pigs”

[Tracey] “You’re so in love with them. Susan always said you were, but I never realised you had it this bad”

Brian’s avoiding Adam

And seems happy enough to do so, despite it tearing apart Jennifer. He doesn’t even want to sit down to lunch if Adam is there.

[Brian] “It would have been ghastly, each of us asking you to pass the salt”

He’s really digging his heels in.

[Brian] “Adam may have got Debbie to feel sorry for him, I don’t”

Rush on at Bridge Farm

Pat even has Susan in. On a Sunday!

They’re all working overtime to get everything ready for the launch on Thursday.

Tom’s getting posters and flyers out and about.

(really? Would have thought Brenda would have got him sorted with those weeks ago)

But Tony isn’t impressed. He reckons the family is missing the point – that the farm won’t manage to take care of itself. And without the farm, they’ll have little to sell under their lovely new brand.

But no one seems to be listening to him.

Poor man even has to try and hunt his lunch down by himself. Not that anyone else should have to get it for him – he does just seem to be the only one doing any of the hard graft.

Saucy over chilli

With Neil working all hours (between his real work and doing Bert’s house), Susan feels like she has barely seen him over the last while.

So she demands some of his time. Tuesday night. When Tracey is off out.

Actually, and quite disturbingly, Susan sounds like she’s suggesting some of an adult nature.

[Susan] “I’ll cook you a chilli”

[Neil] “Will you?”

[Susan] “Yeah”

[Neil, sounding like Homer Simpson] “Chilli …”

[Susan, sounding seductive … I kid you not] “Nice and hot. So, is it a date then?”


Nice that Susan appreciates her man. But disturbing, none-the-less.

Jennifer begs Brian

After failing to get Brian to eat lunch with Adam, Jennifer is now trying to get Brian to accompany her to the Ambridge Organic brand launch.

[Jennifer] “We’ve got to keep the channels of communication open … I want to go with you? You can’t go on alienating everyone in the family!”

But, after what sounded like a very cold and angry stare from Brian, Jennifer dropped it.

Brian the Bully?


Brian can’t even leave the dead in peace

Brian was really on a roll today. He seemed determined to scoff at every plan Jennifer has made.
She was talking about going to the Green Burial site open day tomorrow. Brian takes the Michael.

But, Brian finds an interest in going when Jennifer mentions that the press will be there.

As Jennifer pointed out, Home Farm gifted the land for the Green Burial site. She thinks that it would be good for Brian to be thanked in public. He does indeed concur (though farm more about getting any positive press, than his claims for “giving something back” and “corporate social responsibility”).

[Jennifer] “Brian, you musn't go and hijack the whole thing!”

[Brian] “Of course I won’t. Jenny, I’m going to do a bit of networking, that’s all”


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