Wednesday 28 April 2010

27th April 2010

  • Stereotypes about builders
  • Kenton tries it on with Kirsty
  • Camp Grundy
  • Wife Swap anyone?

Stereotypes about builders

Shame on you Kirsty. Of course they can help it!

And don’t builders now have to go on equality training?

Kenton tries it on with Kirsty

He’d better watch his step on that one. Cheesestraw will not be one to cross if she has yet more work to do (and lest we forget that her hormones are probably about to shoot through the dairy roof soon!)

Camp Grundy

Joe has a point about ‘back to basics’.

Folks do pay good money to be in the middle of a field, with no facilities. And they’d pay even more good money to have Joe’s barn within cider-goggles stumbling distance.

Wife Swap anyone?

What a wee shame that was on Peggy.

She’s been nervous about bumping into Ted again (after he invited her to lunch), but Jack gets in their first by refusing to be separated from Ted’s wife.

I know. It’s not funny. But maybe it’s time for Peggy to accept her Jack is no longer there?

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