Monday 7 February 2011

The Archers Sun 6th Feb 2011: Ruth needs someone …

  • Now David is ignoring Pip’s birthday present
  • “I don’t want anyone else sitting in Daddy’s chair”
  • Is that a Sparrowhawk or a Kestrel?
  • Fox poisoned or shot?
  • Was Elizabeth aware of the bull riding?
  • How long will Ruth go on?

Now David is ignoring Pip’s birthday present

Ever loyal to her dad, I don’t think Pip would mind if he didn’t get her birthday present. Even though it is a car.

But Ruth isn’t letting it go. She’s pushing David to do as he promised and find Pip a car.

[David] “And I will, but not this morning, okay”

[Ruth] “No … I’m not having you ignoring that, along with everything else”

[David] “I’ll do it this evening”

[David] “No … just for once, can you give priority to your own family”

[David] “Ruth, you know what I am having to do”

[Ruth] “Yes, and I fully support it, but not at the expense of your OWN CHILDREN”

[David] “I’d never do that”

But you kinda are, aren’t you David?

Ruth’s making a big deal about Pip’s birthday because Pip’s been doing so much to keep the farm going in David’s absence. So Ruth wants to show her that they’re just as committed to her, as she is to Brookfield.

But there’s more to it than just rewarding Pip. Ruth really isn’t a happy bunny.

She’s even starting to blame Elizabeth for not realising the stress she’s putting David to.

But David need not worry his head about Pip’s present.

[Kenton] “Leave it with me squire, honest Kenton will see you right”

“I don’t want anyone else sitting in Daddy’s chair”

So says Lily.

Having a chat about the Trustees Meeting tomorrow, while wandering through the countryside, Kenton’s trying to reassure Freddie and Lily (and Elizabeth) that the Trustees are there to help Elizabeth. Not kick them out, or replace Nigel.

How scary must it be having other folks have such a huge say in your life?

Comes with being Landed Gentry, one supposes.

Is that a Sparrowhawk or a Kestrel?

A Kestrel. So poor Kenton was wrong (bless him for trying to be au natural!).

Fox poisoned or shot?

[Lily] “On the outside he looked really beautiful, but underneath he was all rotten”

There’s no sign of any wound, so it could have been poisoning. Or just old age.

Either way, Freddie is quite right that:

[Freddie] “You can’t give the kiss of life to a fox”

Though I’d add ‘unless you’re on very intimate terms’.

Was Elizabeth aware of the bull riding?

It didn’t seem so – but she didn’t seemed that bothered to hear Freddie reveal that Nigel used to let him rider General Custard.

Actually, Freddie generally sounded quite interested in the estate, from foxes, to bulls, to pheasants (Jennifer’s pheasants, by the by).

Maybe that’s where his talents will be found.

How long will Ruth go on?

[Pip on David helping at Lower Loxley] “Good old dad”

[Ruth] “He’s making it all very difficult here, though”

(which is when Ruth said that she needs “someone, that’s for sure”)

Is it just me, or could David do a better job at explaining to Ruth why he’s so driven to support Elizabeth?

As he says to Kenton:

“I can’t just walk out and leave her to it … not until I’m sure she’s got the proper help in place”

All Ruth’s left with is no David, half-finished jobs and lambing about to happen.

She does manage to get Eddie for a few extra nights, but it still doesn’t seem to be enough.

Despite spotting that David has arrived home (early) with a stack of Lower Loxley books to work on:

[Ruth] “Well done, you’re back just in time for the milking”

(if there was ever a hook into an argument, there was one!)

David slips off to do yet more work on the ‘Ryder meeting’, leaving Ruth to do the milking alone. Again.

[Pip] “Once we get the lambing out of the way, we’ll probably get back to normal”

Ruth didn’t sound so sure. And wondered aloud how long she could go on working like this.

I wonder if David will notice in time.

He didn’t even notice that Ruth had beef in, rather than frozen pizza …

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