Monday 24 May 2010

21st May 2010

  • Text me good luck when you get this
  • You will have a business partner you can trust completely
  • Difference between couldn’t and wouldn’t

Text me good luck when you get this

Oh dear.

Pip really just doesn’t get it.

She’s making all Jude’s excuses for him, not realising that he’s just being a selfish arse (again!).

Still, I reckon most of us can see a wee bit of ourselves in Pip – continuing to see someone when they blatantly don’t give a hoot.

She’ll be able to see all of that when they finally split up.

Though judging by her kowtowing, I can see that happening anytime soon.

You will have a business partner you can trust completely

Although Matt was still trying to wriggle out of using Lilian’s name/money without her direct involvement, her stiletto is firmly down.

He has a point about working with your partner, and how it can overtake all of your personal life. But he simply isn’t going to get Lilian to agree to anything less than a full partnership.

And I can see if working. If he behaves himself.

However, it was a bit much for Lilian to go on about:
“You will have a business partner you can trust completely – won’t be looking over your shoulder for the knife”

when she’s not quite been taking his wishes into account lately.

Maybe Lilian genuinely thinks she hasn’t done anything wrong in seeing Paul.

Difference between couldn’t and wouldn’t

So Lilian does the ‘right’ thing again, and tells Matt about going to his mum’s funeral, and seeing Paul.

Well, not quote. It was a highly abridged edition.

Matt was quite rightly furious (after he had told her that he wanted nothing to do with his family), but Lilian just won’t let it lie.
“what part of don’t go don’t you understand”

Matt couldn’t go to the funeral, but also wouldn’t have gone if he could.

I think he’s partly right in seeing Lilian’s motivations as being all about ‘happy families’ – but we obviously know that Paul became the reason why and how.

She was pushing her luck in saying:

“People who share blood and genes, and care about you”

as if blood and genes ever automatically also switch on a caring attitude.

And managed to trip herself up when she mentioned that Paul was nice, kind and working in Websterbridge.

Matt’s not daft. Her insistence that he meets Paul even just once is bound to backfire, and is a bit of a perplexing mission considering what Paul could say to Matt.

Shouldn’t she just her time with Paul into her shoebox and move on?

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