Monday 31 May 2010

30th May 2010

  • Now I’m really worried for Sid
  • Nachos!
  • David forgets he has three kids

Now I’m really worried for Sid

When I heard Jolene talking to Fallon, I thought to myself that they must have just got back from New Zealand.

Of course – they haven’t even been yet!

Jolene has been super silent for a while now, but Sid has turned into a silent character.

“It’s not as if I’m never going to see you again”

Yikes. Ominous and a tad concerning …


I was thinking that I’d be one of the Bull’s punters to complain about my Sunday Roast being replaced by Nachos – but then realised that I too probably would have been more than placated with a few margaritas.

And that’s why you can trust Lilian to rise to the occasion. Just give her a few bottles of booze, and she could calm a rioting mob.

David forgets he has three kids

Josh was complaining a while back that David and Ruth only had time for Pip – but what about Ben?

David knew that Josh was out, and had been trying to get Pip to spend some ‘quality’ time with home and Ruth. He only realised that Ben wasn’t even in the house when Ruth mentioned it.

It’s that sort of behaviour that will make Ben a tricky chap in the future (hurrah!).


Unknown said...

welcome back Inga!

i love love love lillian :) more than any fictional character in a long time.

Inga McVicar said...


Yup - we need to start our own Lilian fan club, with mucho gin and tonics!