Tuesday 21 September 2010

The Archers Tues 21st September 2010: Nic reveals herself


The Archers: BL make their decision ... We Love The Bull meeting ... Mighty Me! On yersel Nic!

  • I'd feel sorry for BL if they weren't so rich
  • Ambridge villagers rush to signup to We Love The Bull
  • Nic has bite!
  • Will's not impressing Brian
  • Harry and Nic?
  • Kenton finds a new friend?!?

I'd feel sorry for BL if they weren't so rich

Borchester Land vote on whether they accept Matt's terms (that Lilian joins the board, as well as a good price for his land), and it was seemingly a close one.

After lots of testosterone fuelled posturing and shouting, they vote to tell Matt no to Lilian being on the board - it's cash only.

I'll admit that a have a sneaky smugness for their woes. As they pointed out, Matt's managed to create major havoc for them only months after getting out of prison.

"he now wants to see who's going to blink first"

I think Matt super glued his eyes open before he was released, and I think Brian's right that they'd better

"hope that Matt is bluffing"

As if it's not, they had indeed better start looking around for other projects.

Ambridge villagers rush to signup to We Love The Bull

Well, we only have Nic and Harry's word for it. We didn't get to listen in to their first meeting.

Seemingly Bert, Mike, Roy, Hayley and Jim are active supporters, and Jolene's had a look at the website.

And that's the whole point of it.

Lest we forget that The Bull isn't actually about to close - it just could close if Jolene doesn't shape up.

And Ambridge's way of helping someone shape up is to show them some love.


Now where can I buy a We Love The Bull t-shirt that Harry was on about ...

(and don't forget t follow @welovethebull on Twitter, plus join Facebook's We Love the Bull page)

Nic has bite!

Who'd have thought it!

I certainly completely misread Nic. I thought she was a pushover for Will, and would (quite literally) be pushed over by him without complaint.

Yet she came out fighting, and floored Will within the first round!

After mentioning that she'd have liked to have gone for a "nice drink" with Harry and the rest of the We Love The Bull supporters, Nic suddenly has a sense of clarity when Will reacts badly.

"honestly Will, you don't have to get tetchy. I'm not going to abandon you"

Which was followed up Nic utterly letting rip when she got back from work to find a Will stressed out by the kids, read to pick a fight with her about Harry.

To paraphrase:

[Will] "he's just all you seemed to talk about at the moment - Harry this, Harry that ..." (interrupted by Nic)

[Nic] "what are you saying?"

[W] "it just don't make it very easy for me you doing all these shifts ... I'm wondering why you want to spend so much time there"

[N] "you're jealous!"

[W] " ... eh?!?" (sorry to interrupt - but, aye right then Will!)

[N] "you think there's something going on between me and harry!"

[W] "i dropped by ... you're round the corner hugging and kissing"

[N] "With Fallon there!" (interrupted by Nic)

(deep breath folks, and read the rest of Nic's parts of this with the angriest voice your head can muster)

[N] "I am not Emma! Is that what you think? I can't believe you actually think I would ever cheat on you ... you know what happened with Andrew ... I'd never hurt you like that"

[W] "If I'm wrong, that's fine ... " (interrupted by Nic)

[N] "it's no more than your mum does" (meaning Clarrie works behind the bar as well)

[N] "It's because of that stupid tramp and what she did to you ... maybe you'd like it if I never spoke to anyone ...if someone bought me a drink, throw it back in their face!"

[W] "who has been buying you drinks?" (interrupted by Nic)

[N] "I am not going to spend the rest of my life making up for the mistake of that women ... I'm not going to let whatever is going on in your head spoilt it for me. I love you - you need to believe me. You're just going to start having a bit of faith in me"


I was applauding Nic all the way through that.

There was me thinking she was a sitting duck for Will's anger and frustration, yet she headed him off at the pass with fifty elephants to his one.

All well and good, but will Will come back fighting?

And what's going to happen when he hears about Emma's pregnancy ...?

Will's not impressing Brian

This happened a few days back as well, but it would seem that Will isn't doing very at his gamekeeper job.

He didn't sound pleased to see Brian - fudged his way through telling Brian the figures (which weren't as good as Brian expected) - and generally seemed to be in a bit of a muddle.

As we all know, Brian doesn't suffer such ineptness.

As I said before - will Will lose his job, girlfriends and dignity (Emma having a baby with Ed) all in one go?

Harry and Nic?

It'd be a bit obvious, but yet more hints are falling about Harry and Nic.

Well, at least that seems to me to be what's happening. And Will (yikes!)

A bit of a *snort* moment when Harry surprised Nic by popping up from somewhere unusual:

"I wasn't expecting you to be back there!"

('just where was Harry!', I hear you cry)

Harry does seem like a nice enough bloke, and Nic could do with a nice enough bloke (she needs to get away from Will before he really blows!).

But then again, I'm with Jazzer that Harry is possibly too good enough to be true.

Kenton finds a new friend?!?

I never understand how the BBC announcers can foretell what's going to happen in Ambridge, but the nice chap mentioned that Kenton will find a new friend tomorrow night.

Do we think the friend will be of the lady variety?

And will Kathy be relived or livid?


Helen B said...

I think Jamie had it right when he was telling Kathy off the other day. She needed to hear just how stupid she's been with Kenton - but it seems like she just doesn't want to be with him anymore anyway. Not perfect enough. On the other hand ... he IS a prat. And it seems like he's heading for an embarrassing lady-moment (er, I mean misread the signals and make an idiot of himself, of course).
I'm feeling v anti-Kathy at the moment though. She's such a self-righteous moaner!

Inga McVicar said...

Hello Helen!

Despite everything, I'm still on Kathy's side. She's an irritant, but Kenton's an all-out disaster! I just can't seem to forgive him for not being supportive over Sid - ex or not, he should have been there.

In saying that, Kathy's going a bit odd since Sid died (I don't seem to remember Sid beign such a grand chap myself!), and certainly kenton can't seem to measure up, no matter what.

It'd be superb if Kenton and Kathy called it a day and gave us all some peace. Jamie will get over it in time (or turn out to be a complete nutter), and Kenton can continue being a prat without getting nagged.