Monday 29 August 2011

The Archers Wednesday 17th August 2011: It’s only pigs and cattle

  • Will and Nic’s grand day out
  • Saul Bradley sounds like a twat
  • Peggy’s making a dragon, disparaging remarks about Pat, and plans for Elona …

Will and Nic’s grand day out

Nice to again hear Nic and Will having a nice time together.

They’re at Lower Loxley with the kids. And they are most definitely not clock watching.

They send the kids off to make kites, while they get to mess around in a boat.

Though Nic left her drum and cat o’ nine tails at home (Will is complaining about her forcing him to do all the rowing), she didn’t need them to keep Will in check.

Actually, Will was genuinely nice and living.

My oh my.

It’s almost as if Will is a sane human that one could warm to …

Saul Bradley sounds like a twat

Excuse my language, but he really (really) does.

He’s the archaeologist sent to check the bones found at The Mart. He’s a right patronising wee know it all.

Seems he agrees that the bones are just pig and cattle. So that’s fine. But:

[Saul] “On thing puzzles me though … the date … the bones are buried far deeper than I’d expect”

And what does that mean?

The theory is that the pigs and cattle were slaughtered, and buried on the Mart site, way back in 1967 when foot and mouth hit. Which explains why it’s so deep.

The good news is that the site is therefore of no archaeological importance, but DEFRA still needs to be called.

Calling DEFRA.

That doesn’t sound like a fat thing to me.

And right enough – DEFRA needs them to get an exhumation order, from an inspector, before they can move the bones and get back to work.


Common sense from public agencies.


Peggy’s making a dragon, disparaging remarks about Pat, and plans for Elona …

The dragon fly is for Pip getting her exam results (Peggy is enamelling again).

[Peggy to Ted] “I know Tony’s made some silly decisions in his time, but I always felt Pat could be trusted to run the dairy, but something has badly gone wrong there"

(eh? Tony is acceptable as a bit of a screw-up at times, but Pat gets the blame for not overcompensating for his failings?)

And on Elona:

[Peggy to Ted] “I often feel Elona sees Jack and Violet as the people they once were, rather than simply as victims of the conditions”

Ted concurs. Elona is wonderful, so shouldn’t leave.

Peggy is also talking about how she isn’t quite coping at home. She’s having to let things slip 9which she abhors), and doesn’t want to bother her family about it – or, probably more importantly, lose her independence.

[Peggy] “I don’t believe people should be a burden to one another”

So – Peggy put her and Elona's problems together – and reckons she can solve Elona’s problems by giving her some work. Not exactly as home help, more of a helpful friend that she pays.

Sounds reasonable enough.

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