Wednesday 31 August 2011

The Archers Thursday 25th August 2011: Bridge Farm is being sued

  • Brian’s not front page new
  • It’s grim up Ambridge way
  • Jamie did alright, considering
  • Pat feels guilty
  • Another bad letter day
  • Tom and Brenda talk strategy … again!

Brian’s not front page new

Brian’s delighted that work at the Mart can get going again. The delay, due to the cattle bones, has cost them, but they won’t miss their deadlines – if there are no further delays …

But, Brian’s not so chuffed that the Echo “buried” a story about the Mart being cleared of the bones being dodgy, or of Foot and Mouth.

Good news doesn’t sell headlines, Brian. You should know that all too well.

It’s grim up Ambridge way

Well, it is for Pat and co, so Pat tells Kathy.

Pat’s got nothing “positive” to tell Kathy. She’s heard nothing more about the sick kids (what about the adults? They could be dead, for all we know).

Jamie did alright, considering

Jamie did better in his exams than anyone expected, including himself.

He got a B, fours Cs and three Ds.

[Pat] “That’s miraculous, considering what was going on”

Seems he certainly did better than Marty – sounds like Marty completed failed.

Jamie’s grades means he technically can’t go to College, but Natalie persuaded him to call the College, with the result that they’ll meet him to maybe give him a chance.

[Pat] “She’s good for him, isn’t she?”

[Kathy] “He’ll accept things from her he never would from me”


But, last time we heard Natalie on the secret microphones, she seemed to be a bit of a control freak.

I suppose sons sometimes do fall for women who are like their mums … ugh!

Pat feels guilty

Not sure how Pat is finding space for any more guilt.

This time, she’s telling Kathy that she feels bad she snapped at Brenda the other day.

[Kathy] “You're only human, Pat”


It’s very human to snap at Brenda (and Tom).

Another bad letter day

Pat’s received a letter from a solicitor representing both of the kids that were hospitalised due to Bridge Farm’s special E. coli flavour of ice cream.

They are suing.

Pat and Tony can pass the problem over to their solicitor and insurers. Hopefully they’ll sort it, but it will mean their premiums will increase dramatically.

And that’s while they’re not making many (if any sales). They can hardly afford more expense when (amongst everything else), even veg box orders are being cancelled.

Tom and Brenda talk strategy … again!

Goodness me. When will those two accept that they don’t know what they’re doing?

Tom’s keeping going with his cold calling.

[Brenda] “You need a proper strategy … already have suppliers … so what you need to do it talk, use plenty of open questions and listen …Hold confidence in the brand”

[Tom] “Just a case of getting them out there into the wider world “


Even if Tom can persuade one or two new orders, it’s hardly going to scratch the surface of making up for all of the old orders.

Tom won’t like this … but probably time to hit the supermarkets. Ones beyond Borchester.

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