Tuesday 30 November 2010

The Archers Sun 28th Nov 2010: A church full of Archers

The Archers: All at Church ... Kenton's not wanted ... Lynda needs to get a grip

  • Waiting for a Wonder
  • Alan takes his chance for a guilt trip
  • Amy’s being interviewed
  • John: gone but not forgotten?
  • Kenton’s not welcome at the Lower Loxley Antiques Fayre
  • "Dick Whittington takes priority over Cheltenham!"

Waiting for a Wonder

Jill was certainly surprised to all her clan turn up for church – and even more so to hear Pip play Phil’s favourite advent hymn, Waiting for Wonder.

Where I normally have a moan about Ambridge only letting us eavesdrop in on ‘fillers’, I thought hearing the residents singing this hymn was a very fitting, and moving, tribute to our Phil.

And despite Pip reckoning she had:

“managed to stagger through without too many mistakes …it was a bit approximate”
I reckon, she did him proud.

Alan takes his chance for a guilt trip

Wasn’t Alan just revealing in giving all of those part-time church goers a hard time!

[Alan to Pat] “to what do we owe the pleasure?”

But he did soften at the sight of so many of Phil’s nearest and dearest paying tribute.

[Alan] “It’s lovely to see the church so full of archers”

Amy’s being interviewed

A return to Ambridge considering she’s being interviewed at Felpersham?

It could be perfect timing. Maybe Helen will listen to a qualified expert (though why other mums aren’t experts, I do not know).

She really does seem to be a chip of the old Alan-block. Immediately after hearing that Helen wasn’t having the easiest of times with her pregnancy, Amy makes practical and comforting sense:

“Babies are usually made to fit their mums”

John: gone but not forgotten?

My word – Pat at his graveside was the first mention of John Archer in many a moon.
Amy offers help

Kenton’s not welcome at the Lower Loxley Antiques Fayre

Bless. It’s because he ‘thinks’ he knows it all. And then starts arguments.

"Dick Whittington takes priority over Cheltenham!"

Oh dear.

Lynda is starting to lose the ‘plot’ a bit (see what I did there!)

Furious that folks have a life out with the Panto, Lynda is starting to relax her grip on reality.

Still, there is hope. According to Elizabeth, there’s plenty of time for Nigel to practise his prat falls …

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