Sunday 30 October 2011

The Archers Thursday 20th October 2011: Christine arrives home … to be told about Clive

  • David tells Christine
  • Emma tells Will

David tells Christine


David tells Christine, now that she’s returned him, that Clive has been released and has been back in Ambridge. Which is something Christine though he wouldn’t be allowed to do.

[Christine] “He has come back for good then. Good heavens … I never thought he’d set foot in Ambridge again, not in my worst nightmares”

Hearing Clive has returned take Christine back to when Clive was terrorising her and George:

[Christine] “I kept thinking it couldn’t get worse, and then it did ..."

She relives the night she came home and found Clive in their house with George’s own shotgun. And she firmly believes that all stress Clive caused shortened George’s life.

[Christine] “As far as I’m concerned, that man’s a murderer … My life is about the only thing he hasn’t taken from me”

David reckons that Christine can go to the Police to stop Clive coming to Ambridge – but Christine doesn’t think that’s fair on Ivy, that the Police won’t listen to her and:

[Christine] “Suppose Clive heard it was me who stopped him visiting his mother?”

What’s more:

[Christine] “I can’t stay. I’ll just have to go away again. I can’t stay in Ambridge while that man is around”

Later talking it through with Ruth:

[David] “That man traumatised her and he's doing it again. And there’s noting we can do about it”

What’s more – David reckons Christine can’t leave her home (what if Clive tried to burn it down again?) and agrees with Christine that going to the Police would only bring Clive back down on her.

So what to do? Christine can’t stay. She can’t leave. She can’t stop Clive coming to Ambridge.


Emma tells Will

[Emma] “There’s something I need to tell you about George”

All she has to say was that George had pinched Jake’s fire truck.

But once again – we get to hear Will and Emma agreeing.

Their plan is for Ed and Emma to tell George what a nasty place prison is – and then Will will then take George to his house to apologise to Jake and Nic.

[Will] “We’ve got to show solidarity … We’re the ones that really matter to him. Me and you … and Nic and Ed”

Oo-er. Reconciliation between the ex-Mr and Mrs Grundy?

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