Monday 31 October 2011

The Archers Friday 28th October 2011: Helen’s butch ice cream

(I kid you not)

  • Adam’s not for changing
  • Lynda bores Ian
  • Helen has the answer for Bridge Farm

Adam’s not for changing

Debbie’s on the phone to Adam asking how his visit to a Super Dairy went.

It’s a smaller one than Brian and Debbie want, and while Adam reckons it was a slick operation, that the cows looked well enough looked after and that hygiene (and the such) was fine:

[Adam] “My basic philosophical objection remains the same”

[Debbie] “You like to see cows outside. In the few months of the year that’s possible in the UK …”

[Adam] “The cows aren’t in at Brookfield yet”

[Debbie] “Oh the Brookfield grazing system is hardly representative!”

(actually, Debbie, a lot of the cows round our way are also still out and about)

Adam really isn’t convinced by any of Debbie or Brian’s arguments. He’s not happy about the principle, the economics or how he fits into the whole plan (he actually reckons he isn’t being given a proper place in this scheme).

[Adam] “If you and Brian had hoped for some Damascene conversion that was going to bring me round the
idea then bad luck”

Seems Debbie has been dreaming profit per cow versus profit per square foot – which doesn’t impress Adam.

Neither does her offer of releasing 100 acres back to Home Farm for Adam to use as he likes. He just sees that as an empty gesture to keep him quiet.

He’s more worried about Home Farm basically becoming a junior partner to Borchester Land.

[Adam] “You’ve worked for BL long enough to know how often there’s blood on the carpet after Board meetings”

But Debbie’s patience is wearing thin. She pushes Adam to take the land or not – then later seems to be siding with Brian that Adam is being unreasonable in face of what is a really good deal for Home Farm.

[Brian] “It’s all I can do not to strangle him half the time”

So Debbie has failed to convince – it’s over to Brian.

Adam is sure to respond to Brian … (!)

Lynda bores Ian

Lynda’s trapped Ian while he waits for Helen.

He actually seemed quite scared by her talk of Christmas around the World.

It was seem, according to Lynda, that Angela Probert has indeed agreed for her dancing kids to do “festive folk dances from around the world”. And Elona’s daughter Anna will do a guitar solo.

Though Anna’s offer to play Greensleeves did not go down well with Lynda. She felt it wasn’t very Albanian …

[Ian – out loud] “Come on Helen …”

[Lynda] “After all this isn’t some end of the pier variety show!”

Lynda says she still has hopes for Usha to take part, and:

[Lynda ] “Molly Button has surfaced!”

[Ian], not sounding desperate] “Bright as a button, eh”

[Lynda] “She and Tilly are going to do the tie coconut dance … so gradually we’re starting to reach beyond the confines of the British Isles … just required some lateral thinking”

Lynda asks Ian if she should ask Adam to do something, considering he’s spent time in Africa, but Helen arrives to save Ian (and Adam) in the nick of time.


I actually thought Lynda was going to push our Ian into being abrupt … or rude!

Helen has the answer for Bridge Farm

Helen’s caught in the middle between Tom and their folks.

Talking to Ian about it, she can see Tom’s reasoning about rebranding everything away from the Bridge Farm brand, but:

[Helen] “Tom’s been using it as a weapon to beat mum and dad with …I mean Tom Archer may sound alright on sausages, but for yoghurt and ice cream, that’s just too butch somehow”

[Ian] “Butch ice cream? I think you may have identified a niche market there”

As Ian suggests to Helen, she is also put out that Tom is pushing for everything to be called Tom.

[Helen] “It does feel like a takeover by Tom”

Seems Helen would like to be able to talk it all over with the “best person to ask”, but she can’t. Why on earth either of them thinks Brenda would be of any use, I do not know …

And then, during a rather shocking moment when Helen lets Henry have a wee bit of cake rather than yoghurt.

(still can’t get over the change in Helen), Ian and Helen come up with a blinder of an idea.

Why not move the brand onto the next generation, and call everything Henry’s?

I can actually see Tony and Pat maybe going for that (though they would still be devastated to lose the Bridge Farm brand they spent decades building), but Tom …. surely he wouldn’t go for it.

His ego just wouldn’t allow it.

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