Monday 22 March 2010

19th & 21st March 2010

  • Oh for heaven's sake - I’m not sending her up a chimney
  • Cheesestraw without a choice?!?

Oh for heaven's sake - I'm not sending her up a chimney

David, David, David ... if you go looking for bad news, you’re likely to find something worse.

Still, at least it was booze rather than anything suggestive of a sexual relationship between Pip and Jude.

And lashing out at Elizabeth isn’t exactly going to solve anything either.

How could the poor woman have ‘undermined’ you if she didn’t have a clue what was happening?

And shouldn’t you be glad that Pip is trying to make her own money rather than sucking out all of yours?!?

This Jude thing isn’t going to go away. Though, unlike Elizabeth, I don’t think that a man his age should be seen as ‘harmless’ because he’s young for his age. Where’s that panic button ...

Cheesestraw without a choice?!?

Ouch! That was a painful ‘chat’ between Helen and Kate.

I’m really surprised Kate kept her temper through Helen’s:

“you failed at being a single mother “
“you left your child”

But Kate cut to the quick with:

“decisions are made for you”
“you won’t have a choice”
“being alone limits your horizons”
“think before you bind your life in one direction”

I can’t see Helen taking kindly to those words of advice – but, even more worrying, I think Kate has a point about what this could all mean for Helen and her obsession with having control.

While her horizon is already teeny tiny, will she cope with having to roll-over and give herself entirely to another person?

Isn’t that partly why she has such trouble with her relationships (with friends, family, colleagues … as well as boyfriends)?


meerium said...

I thought Helen was thoroughly out of order in that exchange with Kate, and thought Kate was incredibly patient to actually engage with it, rather than tell Helen precisely where to stick her ill-informed, patronising pieces of guesswork on parenting.

Inga McVicar said...

Spot on.

Helen's never been good at listening, but is proving to be impossible over anything baby/parenting related. She's one scary lady, and yes - Kate was, for once, reasonable.

Helen might find herself more of a 'lone parent' than she'd ever meant to if she keeps this up.

meerium said...

Gosh, that's a thought - it hasn't even vaguely occured to Helen that she's only able to contemplate this because her family are, ultimately, incredibly supportive. Even Tony's discomfort is not going to lead him to wash his hands of her. Wonder how she'd deal with things if she had to be an actual lone parent?

I mean, I think in any case she's going to get a bit of a rude awakening about how much or little her family can actually do for her - ultimately, Pat and Tony run a farm, and can't just drop everything to look after Junior for a few hours (though, given that this is The Archers, I'm sure they'll find a way), however doting they are as grandparents.

Inga McVicar said...

Absolutely. Helen doesn't see anything beyond Helen's own nose - so won't have even considered that she's going to be leaning heavily on her parents.

Tony could just end up in the pub for the rest of his days - though you're right in saying that he'll still be there for her and his grandchild.

I really wouldn't have any opinion about this if it had been anyone else but Helen. Just like a baby doesn't fix a marriage, a baby also isn't about trying to find love.

Still - it'll mean there'll be a very 'interesting' Archer chlan member in another 20 years or so ...