Monday 11 April 2011

The Archers Sunday 11th April 2011: Girl Grundy has a name

click the 'read more' link below the bullet points to read the full post on this eavesdropping episode

  • Kathy has conditions
  • Susan and Clarrie coo-cooing
  • Ed hasn’t got a neat nose
  • £10 a week!!!
  • Cheeky – she does have a name after all!

Kathy has conditions

[Jolene] “Jamie, you’re asking your mum to do a very big favour”

Jamie’s in a grump as Kathy hasn’t given him an answer about whether she’ll sign his work permit.

Jolene’s trying to reason with him, but is finding that he ain’t the easiest chap to reason with.

Kathy does eventually turn up (she was having her lunch first), and asks for Jamie to leave the room first. He grumps off, leaving Jolene and Kathy alone.

[Kathy] “I’m sorry about the things I said to you last time I was here … I had no right to blame you … it's not your fault my relationship with Jamie has broken down so badly … and I can see it puts you in a difficult position”

[Jolene] “It does … and one I didn’t ask to be in”

So Kathy’s big enough to clear the air – though it has to be said that Jolene didn’t make it that easy for her. And, Kathy has decided that she will let Jamie work … on condition that he pays for his keep at The Bill:

[Kathy] “He’s got to see that what he does has consequences”

And, that if she gets another call from school about Jamie skiving off school, Kathy will withdraw her consent for him to work.

Jolene’s a bit put out to hear Jamie has been bunking off, and reckons Kathy’s conditions are all well and good.

So both agree that it’s better Jamie is working than off out with his mates. Even if Jolene is getting a bit worried that Jamie’s never actually going to go home.

Well, she did say that The Bull was his home … I reckon Kathy should stop chasing after him, and settle down to a peaceful life of her own.

Susan and Clarrie coo-cooing

[Susan] “It’s so nice to have a little girl to buy for”

[Clarrie] “Well it is for me, I ain’t never done it before”

They’re both off round to see Girl Grundy laden with presents, but are still a bit perturbed that she still hasn’t got a name.

I reckon Girl Grundy would do her just fine.

Ed hasn’t got a neat nose


I always saw Ed as a bit of a perfectly built farmer hunk.

Certainly more so than Will. He’s always struck me having been hit with the ugly stick at birth.

Girl Grundy seems to at least take after her uncle in temperament.

[Emma] “She just gets angry and likes everyone to know it”

£10 a week!!!

So Kathy and Jolene tell Jamie that he can work, but that he does have to pay Jolene some keep:

[Jamie] “What? But I don’t eat that much, and I’m out all the time!”

He is a bit horrified to be told that he’ll have to pay a whole £10 a week to Jolene, but settled down to that, and not mucking up at school, when he realised that he was actually getting his way.

Wonder if he’ll still think that when he does actually have to work? More money for cider, but less time to drink it in …

Jolene has another punt at making sure that Jamie understands he’s not staying at The Bull permanently, but he really doesn’t seem to be listening.

[Jolene] “The ideal is for you to go home … (Kathy) is more than meeting you half way”

But Jamie isn’t having it.

Feet under the table, money in his pocket, and no nagging.

Sounds perfect. And I am enjoying the peace from Kathy and Jamie screeching at each other.

Cheeky – she does have a name after all!

Ed and Emma had chosen a name for Girl Grundy, so were just winding them up by not telling Susan and Clarrie.

Clarrie tells them that she called Will after Prince William.

[Ed] “I see! He gets royalty, and I get dad”

Then Ed and Emma finally put Susan and Clarrie out of their misery.

Welcome, welcome to Keira Susan.

One would assume the Keira is after Keira Knightley.

And Susan is both after Susan (Emma’s mum), and Ed’s grandma.

Aw. That’s nice.

So Girl Grundy becomes Keira, and another Grundy is formally introduced to the world.

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