Monday 23 May 2011

The Archers Sunday 22nd May 2011: Neither Kenton nor Jill can persuade Elizabeth

  • How long does it take to fix a waste bin?
  • “I should have waited before blundering in”
  • Elizabeth threatens Kenton
  • Come on Neil – it’s got Almond icing!
  • “Barry still gets his hair cut from the 1980s”
  • Ambridge lost at cricket
  • Jolene wants to prove herself to Kathy
  • Clarrie’s useless at keeping family secrets
  • Ambridge … the new Cranford?
  • “If David hadn’t goaded …”

How long does it take to fix a waste bin?

Only five minutes, according to Elizabeth.

She’s turning into a bit of a Victorian factory owner, though.

Fancy expecting Aaron (her employee – probably on rock bottom wage) to come in on his day off to fix it.

Almost as if she’s lady of the manor …

[Elizabeth] “I want things running smoothly when I’m off. I won’t be taken advantage of …”

But it’s okay to take advantage of a poor salary monkey? You’ll be first against the wall with that sort of talk, Elizabeth

“I should have waited before blundering in”

Kenton tried to talk to Elizabeth about David, but she was having none of it.

Then launched into an almighty rant:

[Elizabeth] “How do you think it felt? Finding out that David was responsible for what happened. That was dreadful enough, but what I can begin to get over … to admit he’s been lying about it ever since …my own brother, here coming here virtually every day to help out, and saying nothing

“How about having a bit of courage and opening his mouth … to be so deceitful … well damn him!”

[Kenton] “Then be mad with me as well. It’s as much as my fault as his … I mean, it was my idea to put the banner there in the first place”

[Elizabeth] “You didn’t taunt Nigel … you didn’t work beside me … knowing what you’d done, saying absolutely nothing about it”

[Kenton] “I’m sorry. I should have waited before blundering in”

Elizabeth threatens Kenton

After ranting about David, Elizabeth then warns Kenton off trying to even begin mending the rift.

She basically said that he’d better not talk about it again to ensure:

[Elizabeth] “we’re going to be alright in the future”


Elizabeth could end up with no family if she carries out threats like that.

[Elizabeth] “Just accept I never want anything to do with David again”

She’s only going to make it easy for the rest of the clan to choose sides …

Come on Neil – it’s got Almond icing!

Neil is very non-plussed about his birthday.

He’s only 54 (by my reckoning), but his cricket mates seem to be taking the Michael that he’s now a bit over the hill.

But Susan is still planning a “few sandwiches and a bit of cake … with almond icing”

Now there’s an offer a birthday boy can’t refuse – no matter what age!

Neil’s also got fire in his belly about the Single Wicket. He reckons he’ll prove himself by winning.

My money is on Jamie.

“Barry still gets his hair cut from the 1980s”

So says Neil.

Ambridge lost at cricket

To Paxley.

Jolene wants to prove herself to Kathy

At last – Jolene’s taking Kathy seriously.

Kathy was in The Bull, “not in the best of moods” according to Jolene.

She wasn’t happy that Jamie was still working in The Bull during his exams. Jolene had to explain that Jamie simply hadn’t told her that he’s agreed with Kathy to talk about it.

[Jolene] “She said she felt let down … she’d been counting on my support”

So, Jolene’s going to trim down Jamie’s hours so that Kathy knows she’s taking notice of her wishes.

There ya go Jamie – pincher movement. About time!

Clarrie’s useless at keeping family secrets

While working with Susan, Clarrie’s let slip about the whole Will wanting to procreate with Nic issue.

[Susan] “ … and she said both her boys are natural fathers … that’s when she let it slip …’our William would love another one’ …”


Susan bided her time before pushing Clarrie on what she’s just said (and tried to ignore she’d just said)

[Neil] “Don’t tell me you actually got on with some work””

[Susan] “Waited a few minutes, until we’d made some headway with fruits of the forest … turns out she (Nic) didn’t like the idea at all … I can’t help it if Clarrie confides in me”

So, Clarrie has told Eddie and Susan when she shouldn’t. Clarrie has now told Neil and Emma (!) when she shouldn’t.

Seemingly Emma was fascinated about the news (I’ll bet!), though Susan reckons that when she said to Clarrie she wouldn’t tell anyone, it didn’t meant she wouldn’t tell family.

And in amongst all of that, Neil can’t get to his pigs for Susan getting in the way.

Ambridge … the new Cranford?

Susan seems to be slowing down in her new found passion about reading.

While she claims that she’s ‘savouring’ Cranford (the next Book Club book), it just sounds like she’s finding it a bit of a bore.

[Clarrie] “Jennifer’s right. It’s a landmark of 19th century literature … all that seems to happen in it is all the women in Cranford get together and spend their time gossiping”

[Neil] “Oh. Nothing like Ambridge then”

“If David hadn’t goaded …”

Jill is having a go at talking to Elizabeth about David.

Elizabeth isn’t having it. But Jill isn’t one for giving up on her family.

[Jill] “Elizabeth, we mustn’t let this tragedy because even worse … what happened to Nigel … there’s no logic or reason to it … there’s non-one to blame either … you mustn’t’ let it break up the family … it’s not about fault .. what happened was a tragic, meaningless accident … that’s the awful truth”

But, Elizabeth reckons that it is squarely David’s fault. He “goaded” Nigel into going up on that roof, and has

[Elizabeth] “destroyed my family”

Jill’s going to have to do more than tea and cake to heal this one …


Ruby said...

I liked Neil's reply when Susan asked him what he thought about the Nic/William baby story: "I think it's none of my business".

Inga McVicar said...

Agree - Neil's a sensible kind of chap. Thank goodness. Imagine the world we'd be living in if Susan had no calming influence!