Friday 30 September 2011

The Archers Thursday 29th September 2011: More bad news for Bridge Farm

  • It’s Alice’s birthday
  • Andrew is still frustrating Nic
  • Elona says yes
  • It gets worse for Pat and Tony
  • Nic isn’t good with eggs

It’s Alice’s birthday

She loves the candles Chris made for her, but isn’t so enamoured of the two cashmere sweaters Jennifer and Brian gave her.

[Alice] “Oh dear … I’m trying to get rid of stuff not getting more”

Selfish wee madam!

[Alice] “She knows we’re saving why couldn't she have just given me a cheque!”

Even worse.

She really doesn’t deserve Chris then taking the afternoon off to go on a picnic.

But anyhoo, he does and they do.

They enjoy the Tofu wraps rejected from Susan’s book club spread

[Alice] “Hey, do think that duck would fancy a bit of tofu?”

(it did eat it)

They chat about Kirsty’s ideas for how to eat cheap and healthy through experimenting with lentils.

But it then starts chucking it down:

[Alice] “You must have ordered weather for the ducks by mistake”

(great days for ducks then – rain and tofu!)

Later on, in front of their crackling fire, they decide to have an early night.

So all-in-all quite a sedate, but nice, birthday.

Shame the cashmeres spoiling the start (!)

Andrew is still frustrating Nic

And she isn’t even going out with him anymore.

He’s meant to be having the kids later on, but after he let them down the other day, Nic’s worried he’ll do the same again.

So she texts – he texts back to say yes. And he does take the kids.

But it’s not all plain sailing.

When Nic later collected the kids from him, it seems he was “a bit off” with her.

[Nic] “It was my fault really … I just asked him if there was anything going on I need to know about … he seemed to resent me asking … said it was none of my business … I wouldn’t care but I need to know for Mia and Jake’s sake”

Will’s not happy to hear how Andrew’s treated Nic. Not happy at all.

Here we go again.

Will on a mission to teach another bloke what’s what.

Elona says yes

Peggy’s telling Elona about being worried she is so dependent on her family.

Which is the perfect moment to again tell Elona that the offer of No.3, and work at her house, is still open.

But Peggy is also now offering Darrell work. Doing odd jobs around the house.


[Elona] “We’d ;like to take up your kind offer Peggy”

[Peggy] “That’s wonderful Elona!”

So the die is cast …

It gets worse for Pat and Tony

They’ve received their fuel bill.

[Pat] “We’re really between a rock and a hard place … I can’t believe it's gone up so much … do we pay that or cover our mortgage payments …”

And they haven’t worked out how they’re also going to manage to pay the Underwoods fine.

Pat’s still as negative earlier on.

[Tony] “This time of night everything looks worse”

But Pat’s adamant that it looks bad no matter what time of day. And they’re out of options.

Nic isn’t good with eggs

[Nic] “Can you break the eggs for me. I always get so much shell in”

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