Friday 30 September 2011

The Archers Tuesday 27th September 2011: Clarrie volunteers

  • Susan’s guide to life’s simple pleasures
  • Clarrie’s wants to be busy
  • Darrel’s a good boy really …
  • Autumn in Ambridge
  • Are vine leaves too much to cope with at a finger buffet?
  • Susan’s mum has a cough

Susan’s guide to life’s simple pleasures

[Susan] “It can make the evening, can’t it … nice finger food”
And Susan is al enjoying the book she chose for the book club, though she is wrong in thinking that Jennifer was also enjoying it (far from it, but Jennifer must be too polite to say so).

[Susan] “She did think it was a nice bit of escapism – but I’d describe it as a classic myself”

Clarrie’s wants to be busy

So she’s going to volunteer at the village shop.

That’s brave. What with what folks have been saying.

But Clarrie would rather suffer the indignity than have to sit around doing nothing.

So she goes to ask Jill, who is delighted that Clarrie wants to help.

[Clarrie] “It’s so long since I had a reception like, when Jill seemed so pleased, I nearly burst into tears”

Funny thing though – Susan said that Jennifer said “it’s really important not to lose the habit of work”. When was the last time Jennifer went out to work? Obviously brining up Ruairi was a full-time job in itself, but when did Jennifer last wear a boiler suit?

Darrel’s a good boy really …

The plot thickens.

Elona was talking to Peggy about how she likes to grow veg, and that she’s a country girl at heart (she grew up on a farm).

Elona then when onto say that Darrel wasn’t a bad chap. He just had “bad luck”, got in with the “group of people”, that he was “stupid” to believe that the boss wouldn’t mind if stuff was stolen from him, that he’s a “good man” who works hard for his family and is ashamed at having gone to prison …. Blah blah blah. Lots of clichés which felt like they were said to smooth the way in for Darrel with Peggy.

[Elona] “Who is going to employ a chippy with a criminal record?”

A stressed out older woman who trusts easily, that’s who.

So Peggy has another go at Lilian – making sure that her previous agreement to let Elona have No.3 for a lower price (without her knowing that Peggy’s aiming up the difference).

Lilian again agrees, so Peggy will no doubt start hassling Elona again.

Though I do think this is all exactly what Elona wants. I’m not convinced her Darrel isn’t a bad ‘un – nor that Elona herself isn’t anything other than a bad ‘un.

Autumn in Ambridge

[Peggy] “I love this time of year. The leaves seem to suddenly catch fire”

Are vine leaves too much to cope with at a finger buffet?

It’s far too big a question for me to answer.

Susan’s been making them for the book club spread – which is benefitting Chris and Alice, as he’s getting the rejects. Which are still good to eat – just not up to a book club standard.

Chris’ plan is to freeze them for Alice’s birthday picnic later in the week.

Susan’s mum has a cough

Oh dear.

Funeral to happen?

Clive to attend?

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