Tuesday 7 February 2012

Brian can’t believe he’s “high-handed” 03.02.12

The Archers Friday 3rd February 2012

  • Ruth discovers before she’s told
  • Tony is still in a huff
  • Even the Farming magazines have turned against Brian
  • Pat’s geed up
  • Brian has to face the truth

Ruth discovers before she’s told

Oliver calls David to check he’s okay when Ruth walks in. David rings off, and I thought she’d start to think David was up to no good with Oliver (imagine that!), but she has other matters on her mind.
She’s found something on the printer. She’s guessed it relates to what David wanted to talk to her about later on, and she is far from amused about it.

[Ruth] “You wanted to present me with a fait accompli!”

David reckons he was just gathering information so that he and Ruth could have an informed, discussion. Though why he couldn’t gather than information with Ruth, I don’t know.

David reckons getting info to inform their discussion

[Ruth] “So you’ve given up on the herd basically!”

[David] “No”

[Ruth] “Well that’s what it looks like it to me. You’ve made up your mind”

[David] “We cannot go on day after day, week after week … hoping for some miracle …. So what’s your solution?”

David thinks that even if they could get a bank loan, they couldn’t pay it back. Any anyway, it’d be spending money on something that won’t generate profit.

David wants a long term, sustainable business. And it does sound as if he doesn’t think that can happen with a dairy herd. Even on their (fairly new) pasture system.

[Ruth] “I can’t believe you’ve lost faith in it”

[David] “I believe in the principle, but the maths …”

Ruth is also furious that David has already started speaking to other people about possibly selling the herd.

[David] “Everyone’s going to know our business, when we go bust …. You look at the figures and tell me how you can justify keeping them?”

[Ruth] “I’m not selling them! … We’re keeping the cows”

[David] “Well, there you are then, stalemate”

It’ll be Ruth and Josh Vs David and Pip.

And Phil turning in his grave …

Tony is still in a huff

The launch yesterday made £600 and they’ve had phone calls all day from new customers.

But, the yard scraper isn’t scraping.

And Tony’s back is hurting.

[Tony] “It’s all well saying ‘be careful’ Pat, but is there anyone around to do it? … I’m left picking up the slack”

I think Tony has a fair point.

All fine and good to do the marketing and sales – but you also need to create product.

Which seems to be just Tony by himself at the moment.

Tony does cheer up a wee bit later on when Pat reminds him that the Ambridge Organics name was his idea.

But he’ll be back to moaning once the cold kicks in again.

Even the Farming magazines have turned against Brian

There’s an article in one of the Farming magazines on the Super Dairy.

It doesn’t exactly present any information about the pros and cons.

[Brian] “It’s about what they see as the sexier side of the story, the divisions it’s caused”

One could almost feel sorry for Brian.

If he hadn’t brought it on himself.

Pat’s geed up

Pat really does seem to have got her second wind.

The brand launch went well.

They’re making sales again.

And she’s got the Super Dairy to get angry about.

After being falsely accused by Brian of being behind the anti-Super Dairy website, Pat’s decided that she should get herself organised to properly oppose. She reckons the internet is indeed the way to do.

Uh oh.

Brian really should be scared this time.

Once Aunty pat stirs, she can’t be easily put out again.

Brian has to face the truth

Brian’s been told off.

By Annabelle.

On behalf of a BL Board that’s “twitching” about how Brian is handling objections to the Super Dairy.

[Brian] “She said I’m being high handed with people … high handed … in future, I’ve got to talk less and listen more … high handed, am I really like that Jenny?”

[Jennifer] “Well … “

[Brian] “I am then! “

[Jennifer] “I suppose you be seen as being a bit, well, patronising. And as for Adam … well I suppose high handed is one way to describe how you’ve handed him. I’m so sorry darling, I hate having to say this to you … and you’d rather I told you the truth than what I think you want to hear …”

[Brian] “I can face it. But it’s not easy to take”


Bout time someone brought a mirror to Bully-boy Brian’s face.

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