Wednesday 29 February 2012

Tony’s fine 29.02.12

The Archers Wednesday 29th February 2012

  • Jennifer feels guilty
  • What’s the diagnosis?
  • Tom feels guilty
  • Brian doing veg boxes
  • Jennifer and Tony make friends
  • How many people does it take to cover Tony’s work?

Jennifer feels guilty

At last! She’s taken a while to realise that she hasn’t exactly treated her wee brother as a sister should.

Helen has called Jennifer and Brian to let them know that Tony is comfortable, and sleeping.

[Brian to Jennifer] “Come on love, it's late. There’s nothing more either of us can do now”

But Jennifer’s guilt is keeping her awake. She thinks they should have known that this could happen, especially with Tony having looked so “tired and awful” recently.

[Jennifer] “And then I was horrible to him over the website, and I went round there and said such terrible things to him … supposing that the worst had happened and we’d never had a chance to make up”

What’s the diagnosis?

Pat’s in seeing Tony.

Seems his blood pressure is fine, and his pulse rate is normal. He’ll be getting home Friday night.

The Angioplasty (which, Tony helpfully tells us) is a line put into his artery, which ballooned to break the blockage, and now he has a metal stent to hold the artery open.

[Helen] “So it shouldn’t happen again?”

[Pat] “Hopefully not”


[Pat] “Heart seems okay. No lasting damage”

[Tony] “It means I won’t be permanently affected. I can get back to work …”

Tony is a bit perturbed that he will have to take pills every day for the rest of his life, but is very aware it could have been far worse. Here’s hope he can take it easy from mow on (here that Tony!).

Tom feels guilty

[Pat] “We’re just so lucky you found him when you did. It made all the difference”

Though Tom is very much hero of the day for finding Tony, and Pat’s telling him just to be there for Tony (and get some sleep amongst working), Tom thinks Tony’s heart attack is his fault.

(I reckon he’s right. Tom was harassing Tony, while leaving him to do all the hard farm work)

[Tom] “I know I’m more to blame for this than anyone … it’s what Helen said mum, and it’s true … I was just too preoccupied with my own stuff”

[Helen] “The best way you can help dad now is to put it out of your mind and get on with running the farm”

Aye – get some work done, young Tom!

Brian doing veg boxes

Ambridge rallies round to help Bridge Farm.

David’s helping Tom do the milking. Susan and Jazzer are doing extra hours. And Brian’s once again rolled his sleeves up to do some real work (as he did for David and Ruth when David was Lower Loxley obsessed after Nigel died). I have to give Brian his due – he can be handy at time.

[Brian on Tony] “He’s had enough to put up with, he doesn’t deserve a thing like this”

[Pat to Tony] “I had a text from Tom. Brian’s helping Helen with the veg boxes!”

[Tony] “I’d like to see that”

But there’s more. Brian then offers to also deliver the veg boxes.

[Brian] “You put me in the van and point me in the right direction”

Helen’s gobsmacked.

[Jennifer] “Hello. Gosh, look at you both, hard at it!”

Again, to give Brian is due, he’s helpful when he chooses to be so.

Jennifer and Tony make friends

[Pat] “I don’t know how you feel about this … Jennifer called again this morning, she’d like to come and see you”

Tony agrees.

When Jennifer arrives to see Tony, he doesn’t say a word to correct her when she claims that Pat called her to say that Tony could have visitors, and that he’s bored.

She’s brought him apricots, cherries and strawberry bon bons

[Jennifer] “You were always pitching mine at the cinema”

“Tony …. Oh I’m so glad you’re so much better. You gave us all such a fright … it’s made me think hard about, well a lot of things, and about the last few months and the way I’ve behaved … it’s made me realise how mean and awful I’ve been to you … well it’s all so trivial, so silly and pointless compared to the things that really matter “

[Tom] “It’s okay. You don’t have to explain. I know what you’re trying to say … and you’re absolutely right. None of it really matters. Other things are far more important”

[Jennifer] “So, can we forget about it, leave it all behind us”

[Tony] “Jennifer yes of course, if you’re happy to do that then so am I”


Happy families again.

How many people does it take to cover Tony’s work?

They’re all just about managing to keep ontop of Bridge Farm.

So Tony has been replaced by Susan, Brian, Jazzer, Tom, Tony and Helen.

Pat also isn’t at work – and they do all also have to do their own normal work – but I think it shows just how much of the weight Tony was shouldering.

They should be ashamed of themselves. Tony is hardly a young, fit man anymore.

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