Saturday 11 February 2012

A letter from Kylie 08.02.12

The Archers Wednesday 8th February 2012

  • Neil missed the planting
  • Pat harasses Lynda
  • Bloomin’ pork cobbler!
  • Kylie’s letter
  • Scruff listens to Neil
  • Consternation in the village? Organise a meeting!
  • Business cards and Facebook
  • Tom’s angry

Neil missed the planting

Of the Jubilee oak tree.

Which is a shame, as he was part of organising it.

But he had work to do at Bert’s.

Poor Neil.

Still, Lynda says it’s been planted in the perfect spot.

Pat harasses Lynda

Over the village website. Pat had even sent Lynda an email!

[Pat] “I really don’t think the village website should be doing BL’s job for them … I couldn’t believe it when Ruth showed me. It’s so misleading …The website should be a forum for the village, not BL’s propaganda!”

Lynda thinks the article was reasonable, though she doesn’t agree with the Super Dairy, and says that Pat can also do her own article for the website, with a link to her online petition.

[Lynda] “You must know I wouldn’t approve, but I can’t stop Jennifer posting”

Bloomin’ pork cobbler!

Which Tony reckoned was only “just fine”.

Tom’s away on his trips again (this time to “lock down” his recipes, including the infamous pork cobbler), so once again leaves Tony to do the milking himself. Again.

Kylie’s letter

Pat and Tony got a letter from Kylie today. She’d heard that they’d met Rich, was glad they had and:

[Kylie’s letter] Mum doesn’t usually like talking about her past … she’s started to open up … I just wanted you to know I think it’s great … 

Kylie also wanted to tell them that she as happy memories of Ambridge – remembers Pat and Tony from them, and that they were kind to her.

Pat’s over the moon.

[Pat] “It’s still a link though. We don’t know what’s going to happen down the line”

[Tony] “Please don’t Pat, It’s just a kind gesture from a kind girl. We mustn’t expect any more than that”

But Pat doesn’t want to let it go again.

She wants to Facebook Kylie to say thank you for her letter.

[Tony] “I’m not sure. We really don’t want to push it”

But Pat’s adamant that now she has an in to Rich, she wants to keep the channel with Kylie open/

[Tony] “Well, as long as it’s just a quick thank you”

And Tony also insists they tell Helen and Tom about the letter. He doesn’t want a repetition of last time.

Scruff listens to Neil

Lynda’s scruff was just all over Neil, which he didn’t mind too much about.

But when Neil had had enough, he told Scruff to sit down. Which he immediately did.

Wonder if Neil could have the same impact on Lynda?

Consternation in the village? Organise a meeting!

Lynda suggests to Neil that the Parish Council is duty bound to host a public meeting about the Super Dairy. He agrees it’d be a good idea to openly discuss both sides, and Lynda tasks Neil with inviting Brian.

Which Neil does.

But surprisingly – Brian sounds reticent.

[Brian] “I’m not quite sure when we’d hold it, as you can imagine we’re all very busy”

[Neil] “People are still going to have questions and criticisms, it’d probably be worth your while listening to them”

Brian says to Neil that he’ll discuss it with the Board. When he’s rung off from Neil:

[Brian] “Perfect. That’s all I need!”


I thought Brian wanted open discussions. He’d already suggested they hold a public meeting (but that PR chap Rufus said it was too early to do so). And the Board wanted Brian to be open and listen.

So here’s his chance.

Why doesn’t he want it?

Business cards and Facebook

Is Tom (the cards) and Brenda’s (Facebook page) contributions to the anti-Super Dairy campaign.

At least it is turning out to be a family effort.

Tom’s angry

After being told by Pat and Tony about Kylie’s letter.

He reckons they promised him that it was over and done with.

[Tom] “But no, they’ve started something they can’t stop”

And now Pat will be watching the letterbox.

[Tom] “I’m not upset Brenda, I just wished they’d forget it and get on with important stuff … there’s nothing we can do but just hope it goes away”

Little chance of that, matey.

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