Saturday 31 December 2011

Alistair loses a son & Clive’s dying? 27/12/11

Ambridge Extra Tuesday 27th December 2011
  • Clive’s stalking Amy
  • Daniel’s stalking Erin
  • Erin crashes Daniel’s world
  • Amy crashes into Clive
  • Daniel opts out from Alistair

Clive’s stalking Amy

Clive sounds like he’s stood on a street, drinking. His bottle is nearly empty.

Clive – to himself - Need something to warm me up … where are you miss Franks. Every other nurse has walked by. You’ve got to come out of there eventually. Well I’m damned if I’m going to let some stuck up vicar’s daughter treat me that way … right then,. Let’s have some fun!

He sees Amy leaving the hospital, and smashes down his bottle as he sets off after her.

[Clive] “Amy. Amy, Amy. Young women like you should be careful in a place like this”

[Amy, trying to get into her car] “Just go away. Let me open the door”

She smells the booze on his breath.

[Clive] “I only want to know if you had a nice Christmas. How do you think I spent my then, eh?”

Amy - to herself – please somebody

[Amy] “Help. Over here!”

[Clive] “Well, you seem to think you know so much about me?”

Sounds like Amy kicks or punches him, managing to him away from her and her car.

Daniel’s stalking Erin

Daniel really is creepy. I know fist love can warp the best of us, but he clearly isn’t taking any notice of the fact that she’s been ignoring and avoiding him.

He’s at Erin’s house, ringing and banging her door. When he sees movement in the house, he starts shouting … when Erin finally comes to the door (hopefully while calling the Police!):

Daniel to himself - Okay. Just act natural. She’s seen me now

(he’s scary…)

[Daniel] “Happy belated Christmas!”

[Erin] “Daniel, what you doing here. You can’t just turn up, you should have called or something”

He says he wanted to surprise her. Then begs to be let in. He has brought her Christmas presents.

[Daniel] “What’s the problem? Look, just give me 5 minutes”

I would have slammed the door in his face (harsh, but might have made the point, finally). But Erin lets him in.

Erin crashes Daniel’s world

[Daniel] “At least open the presents .. I’ve gone to all this effort”

[Erin] “Well you shouldn’t have. Just stop pushing me. I said in my text I couldn’t see you”

[Daniel] “Have I done something wrong? Cause if I have then I can fix it”

[Erin] “It isn’t you … you’re a really sweet guy”

[Daniel] “Sweet? So I never meant that much to you? It was only a game? … is there someone else? … just tell me the truth, please”

[Erin] “Then you’d better go and ask your dad …”

[Daniel] “My dad? What do you mean?”

[Erin] “He made a pass at me Dan. Why do you think I’ve been staying away? How could I keep seeing you after he … “

[Daniel] “Erin, tell me, what did he do?”

[Erin] “When we went to the Clinical Club together, outside at the pub,. He tried to kiss me … and at the Christmas concert he got me in a room with him during the interval …”

[Daniel] “No, he wouldn’t”

[Erin] “I’m not lying to you, you can see his texts … at first I thought he was just being nice because of the vets stuff, but then …”

Daniel – reading a text from Alistair to Erin - Hi Erin, just wanted to say how *fantastic you were. Wish I could take you *everywhere with me. Al (Daniel’s emphasis)

[Erin] “I’m sorry Dan, but what could I do? Your dad, he just wouldn’t leave me alone”

Amy crashes into Clive

[Amy to Clive] “You probably spent it in the gutter that’s where you belong … just leave me alone, or next time, I’ll call the Police”

As Amy starts to drive away, Clive is hammering on her car. She has to turn the car round to get out, which means having to go by Clive again (who is still shouting at her).

Then there’s a big thump.

A – to herself - Oh no no no no no no no. I didn’t … he just stepped out

[Amy] “Clive. Clive! We’re gonna need some help!”

Flipping ‘eck.

Amy Franks has gone and run over Clive Horrobin!

As she’s trying to get him to lie still, Clive is saying his chest hurts. And that he needs to get back because of his curfew. Amy put her jacket over him to keep him warm as she swears about help not coming fast enough (as she says to herself - at a hospital for god’s sake!)

[Clive] “Are they going to take me away? Cause of the video Crawford took?”

[Amy] “Matt?”

[Clive] “It wasn’t my fault, honest. He told me to lift the scrap … I only wanted to see me mum”

[Amy, sounding increasingly worried] “Can you tell me where you are?”

[Clive] “No. He picked me up his car . Always the same. Matt, George, dad, I were always to blame, even when I weren’t …”

[Amy] “Clive, don’t go to sleep!”

And she asks him to keep talking.

[Clive] “My dad. He was a git. Took his belt to me for messing with his shed. And the teachers. Horrible Horrobin. That’s all I’ve ever always been. The playground. The other kids. I couldn’t help it. Dad said, just stand up to them. Hit them harder. They all stayed away from me after that … don’t let them lock me up again”

[Amy] “It’s okay. They’re here to look after you”

So help has arrived.


Course, we’re left wondering if Clive will survive. Will Amy get into trouble for running him over (though it was an accident – but will her previous behaviour towards him make folks think it was deliberate?)?

BUT – anyone else actually feel sorry for Clive? Did anything he said explain (though not excuse)?

Daniel opts out from Alistair

Alistair is home alone. He’s been on the phone to Shula, and is now thinking about trying to book accommodation for their Olympics trip.

Daniel walks in, and Alistair asks him whether he wants to make a proper holiday out of their trip.

[Daniel] “As if I’d go anywhere with you … you BASTARD! How could you? You make me sick. Don’t pretend you don’t know. What was it, some kind of midlife crises? You just couldn’t keep your hands off her … she was my girlfriend, my first proper girlfriend, and you …”

[Alistair] “What? What’s Erin told you?”

[Daniel] “It’s disgusting”

[Alistair] “Because I can promise you, whatever it is, it’s not true”

[Daniel] “You kissed her … and you forced yourself on her in a classroom at school”

[Alistair] “That’s a lie!”

[Daniel] “You’re the liar!”

[Alistair] “She’s the one that kissed me. She had a crush and though I felt the same”

[Daniel] “So what about the texts. Did she make those up?”

Alistair tries to explain that his texts are not the way they sound. That the whole’ fantastic” bit was him talking about how she charmed Mr Purves. That it was Erin who had insisted on staying late (etc).

But Daniel throws back to Alistair that he had talked him out of seeing Erin.

[Daniel] “You just wanted her for yourself”

[Alistair] “Now that’s ridiculous … I was trying to protect you… I knew what she was like “

[Daniel] “You just didn’t want me to find out your dirty little secret … You make my skin crawl … you better start packing your bags”

[Alistair] “There’s no way in this world I’d do something like that to you or your mum. Maybe I could have been more astute. But you’re right. I didn’t think a young girl like that would be interested in an old fart like me … and then she asked to spend more and more time with me, and telling me stuff … personal stuff … look, I know I should have nipped it in the bud but honestly I didn’t want you to get hurt … As soon as she did I told her that it was wrong, that nothing could happen between us”

[Daniel] “So all the time she was seeing me, it was an excuse to be with you?”

[Alistair] “I don’t know. I can’t explain what was going on in her head, all I can tell you is that I did nothing wrong to encourage her”

[Daniel] “Except for the texts”

[Alistair] “Oh for god’s sake. Have you any idea how serious this is for me? To have a 17 year old girl accuse me of kissing her or molesting her or god knows what else, because that’s what she was doing at the concert. That’s why I told your mum, you have to believe me”

[Daniel] “Well I don’t. You did see how upset she was, I had to force it out of her”

[Alistair] “I’m only telling the truth. She’s a fantasist. She’s not the girl you think she is”

[Daniel] “No. Don’t you dare. I’ve never felt about anyone the way I felt about Erin. She really liked me, even though I’m not like all the other lads .. .and now you’ve ruined everything. You might have managed to fool mum bit it won’t work on me”

[Alistair] “I’m not trying to fool anyone. Daniel please, I’m your father.”

[Daniel] “No you’re not,. And you never will be”


Shula does already know – Daniel’s mention of Alistair having to pack his bags was him threatening to tell his mum and get Alistair kicked out – but who will she side with?

She believes Alistair, but is angry that he kept his secret.

And now she had a devastated son.


I reckon Alistair does have to take a lot of the blame. He shouldn’t have been playing with kids …

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