Saturday 31 December 2011

Clive is harassed by Amy: Ambridge Extra Thursday 22nd December 2011

  • The Arch Deacon on pot washing
  • Clive’s a piece of scum
  • Alan gives Amy a talking to
  • Should Clive be fed?
  • Daniel is getting a bit scary
  • Praying does work
  • Usha Vs Alan and Amy?
  • What was Clive up to?

The Arch Deacon on pot washing

Alan and Usha are making and serves Christmas dinners to the wanting and needy.

(are there no workhouses or prisons???)

( …just jesting)

Even the Arch Deacon is helping out, and Amy also turns up for a shift, even though she’s working later on. Seems there’s more folks in need than ever before.

Clive’s a piece of scum

So says Amy.

He turns up at the dinner Alan and co have put on. He and Amy spot each other.

[Clive] “You’re that mouthy bird … the one with Alice”

Amy then tries to throw Clive out. She reckons the meals are only for the folks that need them.

[Amy] “Well at least I’m not a piece of scum like you … People like you should be left to starve!”

[Clive] “Crazy mare!”

There then sounds like some sort or tussle between them, which Alan has to pull apart.

[Clive] “Just because you’re a girl doesn’t mean I won’t hit you!”

Amy is dragged off to the kitchen, while Usha takes Clive to be sat down.

Alan gives Amy a talking to

[Alan] “You think Clive’s the only person out there who’s ever done any wrong?”

[Amy] “They haven’t terrorised people. Treated them less than human”

[Alan] “How do you know … we are not here to judge”

[Amy] “I suppose that was what mum was supposed to do? Just turn the other cheek?”

Ah – so this is a mother rather than a Clive issue …

Should Clive be fed?

Amy doesn’t think so

Clive gets fed at the hostel.

Usha sits down to talk with Clive. He doesn’t recognise her at first.

Clive reckons Amy is a “bint and should be chucked out”. Usha tells him Alan is her dad and she’s her step mum.

[Clive] “What is this? The united nations?”

(steady on!)

[Usha] “Excuse me?!? I defended you in court remember? And it’s not as if you haven’t got a short fuse yourself … so let’s just watch what kind of language we’re throwing about”

Clive tells Usha that he thinks he was better off in prison. He has no money, so can’t buy things like food (which he then has to cook himself). He’s hassled to go to the job centre, so is never left in peace. And his family won’t have anything to do with him.

[Clive] “At least I felt like somebody. People didn’t treat me like dirt”

So I suppose Clive is entitled to a meal as a needy person.

Should we spare a thought for him, alone at Christmas time?

Aye bug**y we should!

Deserves everything he gets, I reckon.

Good on Amy!

Daniel is getting a bit scary

I thought Daniel was a bit odd when we heard his inner thoughts during Ambridge Extra – and seems it is the case.

Despite being totally ignored by Erin, he’s bought her a stack of Christmas presents – including earrings and a £40 perfume. Plus a playlist that he’s saved to a memory stick.

(ah – don’t we miss the days of mixed tapes! Mind you, always an embarrassment when the recipient isn’t interested)

But it seems to work.

Erin texts him back. To say that she’s in Bristol for Christmas.

Daniel – to himself - so that’s why she’s not been in touch,. Yeah. Never mind, I’ll just have to wait until after Christmas to give her her presents D

Oh, come on boy! Take the hint. She doesn’t want you – though I bet she’s the type to gladly take away your gifts.

Praying does work

Alan reckons that Clive eating his meal and then simply leaving shows that praying works sometimes.

Each to their own belief.

But I think Usha having a word with him might have had something more to do with it.

Usha Vs Alan and Amy?

Alan reckons that Amy is a fiery one, and bottles things up.

But he thinks that more to do with him and her having to be a team when Catherine died, rather than anything inherited.

Amy had to support Alan, and felt she didn't want to add to his woes with her troubles.

[Alan] “Perhaps I should remind Amy, I’ve got you to prop me up now”

Usha – to herself - If you could,. Might make a nice change

Blimey. There really is a divide in the Franks’ household that I’d never really noticed.

What was Clive up to?

As Amy’s walking to work, she’s pondering to herself about the way she flew at Clive.

Amy – to herself - Is that how mum felt, like someone had taken over, how else do you stick a knife in a person?

Not surprisingly (was very obvious this would happen from the moment Amy refused a lift with Alan and Usha), she then meets Clive, in what sounds like an alleyway.

He starts shouting at her. Nothing too offensive – just snide, how she wasn’t Christian, and the like.

As Amy increase her walking pace, Clive shouts that he just wants to talk with her.

Amy – to herself - alright. … run!

[Clive] “And a merry Christmas to you!”

Sounds like Clive wasn’t going to attack her – but also sounded like he didn’t really want a quiet chat.

Is he really just that lonely?

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