Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Rob dumps Helen – Wed 16.10.13 #thearchers

Pondering the Archers Wednesday 16th October 2013
  • Rob doesn’t want to hurt Helen, but …
  • Caroline’s happy, sad, then happy again
  • Another cow aborted
  • Darrell’s gone walkabout again
  • Shula let Alistair do the shopping!

Rob doesn’t want to hurt Helen, but …

Rob calls Helen to ask to see her. As per, she jumps at the chance and makes time for him.

She suggests a meal, but Rob just wants to go for a walk.

(clue that Rob is about to ditch Helen, but Helen doesn’t pick up on #1)

[Helen] “Rob, I’m so glad you’re back. I’ve missed you terribly.”

[Rob, unenthusiastically] “Yeah.”

(clue #2)

When Rob and Helen meet up to walk, Rob’s not remotely interested in the view.

(clue #3)

And wants them to sit down and talk, rather than try to spot deer.

(clue #4)

And onto the main event:

[Rob] “I care for you very much, I really do … and we’ve had a wonderful time together, and you mean a great to me, but … the thing is, we can’t be together, not anymore. I’m so sorry.”

[Helen] “I don’t understand.”

[Rob] “No, course you don’t.”

(eh? What a patronising so and so)

Rob reckons that he’s grown close to Jess again, after having supported her through her father’s death. It was an intense experience that has made him realise:

[Rob] “I have to make a go of things with her.”

[Helen] “No … wait … you’ve been through a lot these few weeks’re in shock, grieving … once you’re back onto your routine in Ambridge, things will be back to normal and we can be together. We should be together.”

Rob reckons he should be with Jess. They have a long history together.

[Rob] “All of it came back to me, it’s not something I can throw away.”

[Helen] “And me? You can throw me away just like that!”

[Rob] “I don’t want to hurt you Helen.”

[Helen] “Then don’t do this!”

[Rob] “I have to. I can’t see you again, I owe it to Jess to our marriage and to myself.”

[Helen] “We were happy together.”

[Rob] “I’m trying to do the right thing Helen, for once in my life.”

[Helen] “I can’t listen anymore …”

And with that, Helen escapes.

In more ways than one. I reckon.

She’ll be heartbroken (yet again), but this was never going to end well.

Caroline’s happy, sad, then happy again

Oliver wants to go hunting. Even though Caroline is actually trying to work.

[Oliver] “I think Maisie deserves a bit more quality time with you.”

Caroline seems to be happy to oblige. Though she does also need to meet with Ian, Lynda and the rest of her team soon.

[Caroline] “Their optimism is quite infectious!”

But, just as all looks rosy, Caroline opens a letter from her solicitor. It’s to say that Joe is refusing their offer:

[Oliver] “I have to say I’m shocked.”

[Caroline] “They’re asking for £5000.”

[Oliver] “Plus costs.”

Caroline’s solicitor reckons that’s an “understandable move”, but Caroline is gutted. She wanted to be able to at least get the ‘situation’ with Joe done and dusted. Especially while that chap from the local author is still investigating.

[Oliver] “Darling, it’s a minor setback, not a disaster.”

And actually, despite all, Caroline seems to concur. She’s back to being chirpy again.

[Oliver] “Caroline appears to be getting back into her groove.”

Especially with the hunting season soon to start.

Another cow aborted

In Ed’s herd.

Though Mike yet again only seems to be obsessed that it’s Vicky’s part of the herd. He’s not quite seeing the bigger picture.

Like Ed’s business going under. Maybe for good this time.

Darrell’s gone walkabout again

Mike’s having to see the impact of Darrell’s downward spiral on his family. Rosa works with him bottling, and has been very (very) down recently.

[Mike] “It’s hard someone you used to have a pint with sinking so low.”

Anyhoo, Darrell’s not come home again.

Not that Alistair is particularly phased by that. He reckons Darrell won’t keep himself “on track”, so would actually prefer it if Darrell didn’t come back at all.

I can’t say I blame him …

Shula let Alistair do the shopping!

Though she did send him out to the village shop with a list.

Shame that Sabrina had re-arranged the shop, which confused matters further.

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