Monday 28 November 2011

The Archers Friday 25th November 2011: Kathy has a word

  • The new yoghurt pot designs have arrived
  • Neil doesn’t want Tracey as a houseguest
  • Henry is starting to pull himself up on things
  • Kathy wants Pat to think

The new yoghurt pot designs have arrived

And Helen likes the style of them.

Seems they are “bold but not too flashy”.

[Pat] “I just liked the yoghurt pots the way they are”

Poor Pat.

Helen later tells Kathy that she feels Pat is “disengaged … like given up”.

So Kathy says she’ll go round to have a chat. Though she doesn’t mention to Helen that Pat’s ponderings are about far more than a yoghurt pot.

Neil doesn’t want Tracey as a houseguest

Neil reckons can’t Tracey and her kids can’t stay.

[Neil] “Honestly Susan, those children … I’m not sure I can stand many more days like yesterday”

But – the positive is that Tracey has agreed to look after their dad (and Gary).

So Susan is quite content to out up with the hassle at home, as it doesn’t mean she has to run two households.

Neil isn’t convinced.

[Neil] “She needs to get herself organised. Find herself somewhere closer to home”

Henry is starting to pull himself up on things


He’ll be trying to woo Emma’s Keira next!

Kathy wants Pat to think

[Kathy] “There are some scars that are never going to heal. And if you go poking around …”

Kathy asks Pat what Tony feels about her thinking that Sharon’s son might be John’s.

Pat reckons Tony is simply ambivalent.

[Pat] “And I can understand that. I mean John’s death was a terrible blow to him. Particularly as he and John had had this dreadful row beforehand, and they never had a chance to make their peace and the tractor … but if John has a son, it would mean a part of him lives on … the more I think about it the more convinced I am he must be”

[Kathy] “But you can’t know and if he isn’t you’ll have dug up all that ancient history, all that pain and suffering for nothing … think about it Pat”

Kathy tries to get Pat to think about how Helen and Tom will feel about all of this, as well as Tony.

But to no avail.

Pat later turns up at the Carters’ to ask for Sharon’s phone number.

Susan is unhappy about giving it – but does so. She’s worried Sharon and Kylie will blame her if they do get upset.

[Neil] “Sharon is quite capable of fighting her own corner, she’ll put Pat straight one way or the other .. you’ll not responsible for what Pat does”

Alrighty. Get set for round two – Pat Vs Sharon.


caroline_venezia said...

I particularly liked Neil not being happy *at all* with Sharon smoking near the weaners :-)

Inga McVicar said...

*laughs* aye, Neil has his priorities quite right indeed.