Monday 28 November 2011

The Archers Thursday 24th November: Living with Tracey Horrobin

  • Who’s being had for dinner?
  • Tracey’s tired
  • David and Pip’s sense of “cute” don’t concur
  • Brian’s losing his mojo
  • David helps the Super Dairy plans
  • The Carters are a no smoking household
  • Susan gets a helper?

Who’s being had for dinner?

Not the young chap who is 543 kilos. He’s a “bit on the skinny side”.

[Pip] “Go on then. You live to eat another day”

The next is 557.5 kilos.

[Pip] “Sorry sunshine. You’re going to be Christmas dinner”

[David] “Quite a look of Christmas dinners that is!”

Tracey’s tired

[Tracey] “I am just so knackered. Honestly. I could just live here for the rest of the day”

Susan is not pleased at that. Seems Tracey’s kids, Brad and Chelsea, have been up since 6am. Susan reckons they’re a “bit over excited”, and tells Tracey that they’ve broken the standard lamp …

Tracey reckons it’s because they’re not used to the space.

[Tracey] “You’re so lucky having this great big house”

[Susan] “Luck had nothing to do with it!”

So not a great start to Tracey being a grateful house guest, then. Her kids don’t even take their shoes off when asked to by Susan.

David and Pip’s sense of “cute” don’t concur

They’re trying to choose steer for showing.

[David] “Good line. Nice hind quarters. That one’s got a prettier face … he’s very cute”

[Pip] “That’s a matter of opinion”

Pip reckons the “cute” steer does a “funny thing with his right foreleg”

Brian’s losing his mojo

So he thinks the BL Board thinks of him.

[Brian] “I’m accused of coming to the board with a half-baked plan that hadn’t been fully research … that’s a sign that I’m losing it … It’s all down to Adam. If he wasn’t so wretchedly intransient”

Adam better watch out.

Brian doesn’t take kindly to being put in the position of being seen to have lost his mojo.

David helps the Super Dairy plans

Fair play to David. He put his personal (and professional) opinions aside to put his NFU hat on.
He’s found a few local folks who’d be happy to supply Brian’s Super Dairy.

Including Pete Welks … Pip’s boyfriend’s dad. Oooh – that will surely spell trouble for Spencer and Pip …

Anyhoo, David has unwittingly given the Super Dairy new life. It means Brian can crack on with putting his plans properly together. Looks like his supply problems are solved.

The Carters are a no smoking household

After telling Susan that Den had blown his redundancy on a 50” telly and spent his days watching sport … she then tries to light up a cigarette in the house. Susan says to go outside, Neil will smell it later on if she continues inside, and Kylie also shouldn’t be smoking round the kids.

[Tracey] “Don’t lecture me Susan!”

[Susan] “Sorry, but this is my house!”


There were never such devoted sister.

Susan gets a helper?

Susan has to force Tracey round to their dad’s. Tracey claims she’s knackered (still), and that her kids need tea.

Susan isn’t having it.

[Susan] “Someone’s got to look after the pair of them, and I’ve been doing my best, I really have, but I’m holding down working two jobs and it’s really more than I can manage on my own”

[Tracey] “Susan, is it really that bad?”

[Susan] “Yes! And the least you can do while you’re staying here is to give me a hand”

I reckon Susan might win through this time.

Tracey is captive!

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