Friday 18 November 2011

The Archers Thursday 17th November 2011: Pat is very ponderous

  • Susan’s caught in the act
  • Organics isn’t a selling point these days
  • Pat isn’t listening … but she is interested in Kylie

Susan’s caught in the act

She’s still doing Bert and Gary’s washing.

Neil is not a happy chappy.

[Neil] “You can’t do it all. You can’t run two household and work full time”

[Susan] “Gary would just sit there with dad by the telly eating chips while the dirty plates and the washing piled up around them”

Neil reckons it should be the whole family helping out.

[Susan] “I know it’s not fair. I don’t want to be stuck with all this. I am getting tired and wish they’d help out … I wish mum were still here … you’re right, I can’t go on like this. Not for much longer”

So Susan calls a family meeting. She doesn’t have very high hopes though. Tracey has got wee kids, and troubles with her Den. Seems Keith wife is difficult. Stuart is not dependable. And she can’t ask Clive. They haven’t spoken since Ivy’s funeral.

Only Keith and Stuart will be attending the family meeting. Seems Tracey really is in crisis mode with her partner.

[Neil] “You’ll be lucky to get much change out of Keith and Stuart”

Organics isn’t a selling point these days

So says the rebranding expert Tom and Brenda have met with.

Seems this chap was entirely “behind” Bridge Farm rebranding, but …

[Tom] “Do it properly … he did have one small reservation”

[Brenda] “Actually, it’s quite a big one Tom”

The chap said that organics isn’t a selling point these days. It would seem there’s a stronger market for “locally sourced food”.

[Pat] “We’re an organic farm. If we can’t put that on our products we might as well pack it all in and retire!”

But the compromise is to still rebrand as Ambridge Organics – but “major” on the Ambridge, with Organics in a smaller font down below.

[Tony] “This is marketing. They play by different rules. It’s a fair compromise”

Pat doesn’t sound convinced. Especially as it’ll take until end of January to do all of the rebranding work.

(actually, I think that’s quite quick)

[Pat] “So, there goes Ambridge Organics Christmas Pud ice cream”

Later on:

[Tony] “I know it’s a bit depressing for us”

But Pat is going to make a small batch of Christmas pud ice cream anyway, and sell it through the shop.

[Pat] “A last hurrah for the Bridge Farm brand … I suppose there are more important things in life than which font size we use”

Hmmm. I wonder what Pat could be referring to …


It’s a bit odd that Brenda and Tom are ploughing on because of one bloke’s say-so.

And odder still that Tony is accepting all of this so easily.

Pat isn’t listening … but she is interested in Kylie

Tony was wittering on to Pat about rebranding, David and Ruth’s plans for their milk, and other such topical Ambridge happenings. But Pat wasn’t listening. She was miles away.

Pat does show more attention to Susan. And mentions Kylie first chance she can.

[Pat] “She doesn’t seem to have picked up many of her dad’s genetics … and she’d inherited the best of Sharon’s looks too … I wonder if her brother looks at all like her?”

Ah – so do we understand from that wee exchange that Pat is increasingly thinking that Kylie could be John’s daughter?

When she’s later again vague as Tony is trying to talk to her, she nearly tells him what’s on her mind … but stops short of doing so.

Ah. This is nicely simmering away. Hope it isn’t squib that’ll be served.

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