Monday 18 February 2013

Will's 30th birthday: Sun 10.02.13 #thearchers

The Archers Sunday 10th February 2013
  • Will got a knife but didn’t give a penny
  • Alice’s moaning about her job (again)
  • Clarrie speaks!
  • Ed gives Will a present
  • All’s well in Chris’ world
  • Clarrie tries to make Ed and Will hug

Will got a knife but didn’t give a penny

That can’t be right.

Shouldn’t he have given a penny?

Especially considering it was George who gave him the knife as a gift.

Alice’s moaning about her job (again)

[Alice] “It’s so unfair, my dissertation was on wind vibration!”

Seems some chap called Gerard got the wind vibration project, even though he started working there after Alice.

Her boss reckons the project she’s already doing needs her still on it.

[Alice] “A trained chimp could do what I’ve been doing!”

Now this could go a number of ways.

Alice leaves for a better job in Canada.

Alice learns to like her job, after gaining the trust of her boss (did it ever occur to Alice that Gerard might be the better ‘man’?).

Or Alice learns that most graduates don’t step into their ideal job, regardless of what  level of degree they got.

[Alice] “Someone, somewhere, is having the life I’m meant to have.”

Clarrie later on had to suggest Alice took some coffee, as the drink seemed to be getting to her .

Clarrie speaks!

Thank goodness.

I was starting to think it was a family cover-up.

Ed gives Will a present

Which was good of him.

Though he had to point out that Emma chose it.

[Will] “She’s probably know what I’d like …”


But, no punches so far.

All’s well in Chris’ world

He won 4-1 at footy. Even scoring one of them from a header.

Everything’s marvellous. Especially with Alice.

[Chris] “Isn’t it fantastic when you’re really tight with your missus!”

Ambridge really do suit Chris. He has “stuff to do”, football and his mates.


Looks like Alice will be off to Canada, then …

Clarrie tries to make Ed and Will hug

So, Will’s birthday went off with a fight.

Despite a few digs, Ed and Will also managed not to argue.

Clarrie’s very pleased. She thinks Will should be thankful to Ed for behaving.

[Clarrie] “You gotta give him credit for running up and doing his best.”

Then, Ed offers for Will to have George for a few extra nights. As his own gift to Will, I’d imagine.

Will’s taken aback but grateful.

[Clarrie] “Oh, look at the pair of you, can’t you give each other a hug?”

[Will] “Steady on mum!”

They shake hands.

[Clarrie] “I’ll just be pleased to have a united family … Be nice if, just for once, we could relax when we all get together.”

But, Clarrie’s sense of realism kick in:

[Clarrie] “It’s such a  shame. Won’t they ever get on?”

Probably not.

But, maybe so.

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