Sunday 30 December 2012

Mike and Vicky have a wee dance: Mon 24.12.12 #thearchers

The Archers Monday 24th  December 2012
  • Neil asks Ruth to talk to Ed
  • The Elizabethan Christmas Extravaganza is a sell out!
  • Deck the Halls has left the building
  • The food panic buying for Christmas
  • Mike manages to get his arms around Vicky

Neil asks Ruth to talk to Ed

Neil reckoned Ruth would be the best person to help Ed with the management of his dairy business.  Ed agreed, but asked Neil if he’s asked Ruth.

(maybe that’s one of the reason’s Ed’s been struggling. He’s not capable of even asking a clo0se neighbour and friend for help)

[Neil] “I must say I really think that YOU could help him.”

Ruth agrees, but wishes Neil had chosen a better day to discuss this than the day before Christmas …

[Neil] “His money management, his cashflow, is almost non-existent … the milk cheque’s spent before he’s had it.”

Seems Ed is also behind in his rent, though Oliver has been “understanding”.

Ruth’s very keen to help. Though I hope it can wait til after Christmas. David’s taken time off especially!

The Elizabethan Christmas Extravaganza is a sell out!

Kenton’s secret guerrilla stickering worked a treat.

Deck the Halls has left the building

Well, that was a bit of a non-entity this year.

We only really got to follow James and Leonie round Deck the Halls. Once.

Now they’re packing up.

[David] “What’s this, Deck the Hall with bits of lorry?”

[Elizabeth] “The poor things have to get to the ferry or they’ll never make it home for Christmas.”

If Nigel had been alive, it would have been far more magical …

The food panic buying for Christmas

[Elizabeth] “Mum’s always had this morbid fear of not having enough, now Shula’s getting as bad.”

David was charged with taking over Jill’s store of food to Lower Loxley. But:

[David] “Mum’s labelling system is something out of MI5.”

He’s grabbed the real mince pies for the Elizabethan Christmas Extravaganza rather than the sweet mince pies.


David and Elizabeth seems to be revelling in each other’s company these days. They reminisce about Christmases past – when they were kids, and David used to steal food from the kitchen.

It’ll be a grand Archer Christmas after all.

Mike manages to get his arms around Vicky

Mike and Vicky are also revelling in each other’s company.

Vicky’s used the oils Mike gave her, and he reckons she smells, as well as looks, lovely. He puts his arms right round her, and their ever growing belly.


They then have a wee dance together.

[Vicky] “All right then. Let’s give it a go … so, is it like dancing with a block of flats?”

[Mike] “It’s like dancing with the most beautiful woman in the world.”

[Vicky] “It’s going to be different next Christmas.”

They’ll have their baby girl, who will have her stocking, and be surrounded by toys come Christmas morning (not that she’ll know what on earth is going on!). It’s something Vicky has always dreamt of.

Mike tries to tell Vicky that they can’t assume anything as yet.

[Vicky] “It’s alright Mike, I just like believing, that’s alright.”

(Vicky said this while a song with Believe in the lyrics was being played. I know Vicky can be corny, but come on!)

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