Sunday 8 July 2012

Ed brought David chips: Thurs 05.07.12

The Archers Thursday 5th July 2012
  • Driving Ruth Archer
  • Listen to Kenton?
  • Ian has a hangover
  • Bog snorkelling, stilt racing, marrow putting and cheese rolling
  • Performance Arts strikes terror
  • Adam tells David to put his family first
  • The badgers have to be released at 8am
  • Ed’s staying firm

Driving Ruth Archer

Kenton collected Ruth early to driver her to Heather’s, to go and get Josh and Ben back.

[Ruth] “I can’t believe I spent all last week bullying David … and now … You know what gets me, every time that creep phones us he gets exactly what he wants … total panic and … I just wish I didn’t take the bait every time.”

[Kenton] “Well, they’re threatening your kids.”

Ruth feels weak compared to David – who is still of the opinion that they shouldn’t really panic until something actually happens to them.

But, as Ruth points out to herself, look what happened to Adam …

But anyhoo, Ruth feels like an idiot. Even the roadside artwork is taking the Michael:

[Ruth] “That damn stone badger by the roundabout must be having a good laugh at me.”

[Kenton] “Not your favourite animal then?”

[Ruth] “Definitely not!”

And she also warns him about the horror of the result of a visit to Heather’s:

[Ruth] “Just make sure you don’t end up with a load or marmalade. Anyone who comes is fair game.”

(I’d like some homemade marmalade. Sounds marvellous!)

Listen to Kenton?

Not many people do, but they should, on occasion.

Kenton is the only one to have spotted that while the gang said they knew where the kids were, they didn’t actually say where the kids were.

All a bluff.

Later on, Kenton tells Ruth about a “close friend” who has a similar problem to David’s. She’d been attached, but decided not to tell anyone.

[Kenton] “She was so scared, she couldn’t face it … but in the end … someone else got badly hurt and the man was caught … she really wishes she’d had the courage to stand up earlier.”

He claims he was only wanted to mention it as an example. As “food for thought”. Though one suspects that Kenton most definitely thinks David should testify.

And who was Kenton’s close friend? Kathy (when she was attached by Owen King)

Ian has a hangover

Seems the Picker night out at The Bull went very well indeed.

Though Adam is fine, Ian’s now got a bit of a sore head.

Bog snorkelling, stilt racing, marrow putting and cheese rolling

Kenton’s telling Ruth his (slowly forming) plans for the Community Games at the Fete.

[Kenton] “Bog snorkelling …”

[Ruth] “So, where exactly is the bog going to be?”

[Kenton] “A race in stilts might be another fun idea … marrow putting might be another contender … and cheese rolling.”

Kenton’s not remotely dissuaded by Ruth reminding him that the bit of land he’ll be using for the games is on a slope, and next to a river.

Performance Arts strikes terror

Seems Jim is doing his best to avoid Lynda and any mention of the ‘performance art’ she’s organising for the Cultural Olympiad.

[Kenton] “Now she’s all over the trials and tribulations of Britain in Bloom, she can start on me.”

Adam tells David to put his family first

David told Adam about the pressure he and Ruth have been under (after Adam to know what was going on).

Adam tells David that he won’t blame him if he pulls out from testifying.

[David] !I just don’t know what to do for the best.”

[Adam] “You know what Ruth feels about it. The kids’ safety is what matters, simple as that. I reckon it’s time you gave her your support.”

[David] “Maybe it is.”

The badgers have to be released at 8am

On his way home, Ed bough chips for himself and David (what with all the womenfolk away).

Sounds like he really (really!) enjoyed the badger vaccination course.

He told David that there’s very strict rules about trapping the badgers. They have to be let out at a certain time:

[Ed] “That’s the rule. By 8 at the very latest.”

[David] “What, they read you through their rights don’t they?”

[Ed] “They’re happy munching peanuts in the dark but they get a bit twitchy after dawn … it’s very quick though., You shave a patch with the clippers, mark them with a spray, shot from the hypodermic, and they’re scuttling off to bed … I even did okay on the theory.”

Well done Ed. That’s good news for the badgers. Even David managed to listen to Ed’s enthusiasm without getting angry that they’re not just going to cull the badgers.

Ed’s staying firm

Ed wanted David to know that he’s “not budging from Rickyard”.

[David] “It’ll be good to know you’re there.”

Though Emma has fled, Ed appreciates the support David and Ruth have always given to him. So he’ll be there to return the favour, when and if he’s needed.

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