Tuesday 25 May 2010

24th May 2010

  • At least the Vicar approves
  • Sid and Jolene: new careers as silent characters?
  • I love Matt

At least the Vicar approves

That’s always the best way to win the village’s approval in these modern times – just get the local vicar to approve.

With Alan onside, and Shula happy about the new charity side to the Sticky Wicket, what’s Jazzer going to find to complain about now? I'm sure he'll find something. That Harry just isn't going to find any peace away from that jealous wee Scotsman.

Sid and Jolene: new careers as silent characters?

What’s happened to them?

Jolene was heard to mutter a few words to Fallon some weeks ago, but Sid hasn’t been heard of for many a day.

Maybe they’re too busy packing.

I love Matt

And there you have it. The reason why Paul hasn’t won Lilian, and why she’s sticky with her Tiger.

In saying that, Lilian really shouldn’t be trying to call Paul, and Jennifer was absolutely right in being appalled that Lilian is trying to make all three of them friends.

I think prison has changed Matt, making him realise how important Lilian is.

And he even wants to than Brian and Jennifer. Properly.

Who’d have ever thought we’d have seen the day!?!

But how long will he last like that? How long before the pound signs take him over?


Unknown said...

"I think prison has changed Matt, making him realise how important Lilian is."

what? do you mean the last few days of prison? cause as recently as her second-last visit to him, he was still being a complete prick. i hardly think he's changed in the space of 3 days. the archers is real-time!

lest you think i am a matt-hater, i did find him funny in both this episode and the one from the 23rd. he is an explosive character, and definitely enhances the show. i just can't handle ladies being treated badly, probably because i've been both a brother and a best friend to two very abused women. matt shows all the signs, no matter how entertaining he is, he does not deserve our dear lillian.

how about that jazzer? i wonder where this is going... i truly thought the writers were making a go at creating a fully sympathetic jazzer, between the crush on fallon and his singing at the talent competition. appears my predictions were unfounded, as he's probably more annoying than pip the last couple weeks!

Inga McVicar said...

Hmmm - I took it more about Matt being overtly excited about starting his life again (when he was being a prick). he came down to earth with a big bang when he got out, and saw how much Lilian was backing him. And, after all, he is managing to ignore what Paul suggested might have happened between him and Lilian - so far ...

Still - I can see where Matt could tip over into being abusive, though I do also think there's genuine love between him and Lilian. Obviously, how he treats her says it all. And yes - Lilian needs a nice, handsome, older dandy gent who has plenty of cash, likes the razzle and treats her as the lady she is!

You're spot on about Jazzer. It's one thing to have a crush then get jealous about someone else maybe getting the favour of 'your' lady, but he's taking it way too far.

He's becoming a bad caricature of himself!

Anonymous said...

i think Sid is not returning from Australia, unless in a box. the clues have been cropping up in the last weeks.


Inga McVicar said...

I think you might be right, sjw.

His silence is ominous, Fallon's "it's not like I'm ever going to see you again" spoke volumes, and the mentions of Sid not being there for Jamie's first Sticky Wicket was a bit telling.

Luce Gilmore said...

How long is it going to be before it turns out that Paul's 'black sheep' full sibling Stephen turns out to be Steve Chalkman?

Inga McVicar said...

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! Now that's not one I spotted. Surely not!! Couldn't be!!! Could he?????

Quiver said...

chalkie is too old to be Matt's little brother. Also has a different surname from Paul! I quite like Paul and hope we haven't seen the last of him. I do keep expecting Michael FS to start doing his 'Martin Brown' from Radio Active though.

Inga McVicar said...

Fair point. Was a good idea though.

Can't say that I ever warmed to Paul. I also think Matt might have had a point about Paul's intentions (it was all a bit too convenient).

In saying that - while I do like Matt as a chap (and for sheer entertainment value) - neither him nor Paul are good enough for our Lilian. She's an utter gem.

I keep getting Michael FS mixed up with the next doot neighbour chap from 'Ever Decreasing Circles'. Probably he was also called Paul (actor and character).

quiver said...

paul Egan.
did you see michael FS in Nighty night?

Quiver said...

It would have been a good twist I agree but unlikely.

Paul did say something like, 'you are the only jailbird in the family,' to Matt.
