Saturday 28 January 2012

Brian Vs Pat 23.01.12

The Archers Monday 23rd January 2012

  • Ian’s too deep for David
  • Brian just wanted his shopping
  • Rufus is fast at websites
  • Brian wants Adam to shut up
  • Pip’s Celebrity Lamb gets the go ahead

Ian’s too deep for David

They’re chatting about Adam being on the radio, damning the Super Dairy.

Ian reckons Adam reckoned that he didn’t say much, he didn’t realise that may folks listened to local radio and that he wouldn’t be recognised.

But Ian also reckons that Adam subconsciously knew all of that. He just wanted Brian to actually hear him.

That’s what David found too deep.

Later on, David's talking to Adam.

Adam seems fairly unrepentant. He felt it needed saying.

[Adam] “Brian’s framed this debate in such a way, my quite legitimate objections keep being read as disloyalty to the family, and they’re not”

David reckons he sympathises with both sides.


But that Ruth is well and truly on Adam’s side.

(sorry – just to go back to what David said. He has sympathy for Brian’s plans? What what what?)

[David] “You can be sure of her support. She loves her cows …It’s very difficult when your head says one thing and your heart says another”


Is David starting to think that his only option is to get out of dairy?

Brian just wanted his shopping

Brian had a shopping list from Jennifer, so he need to go into Ambridge Organics. He met Pat at the door, and wished her well for the new brand launch.

But that’s where the niceties stopped.

[Pat] “Our little enterprise must seem old fashioned and small scale in the light of all your new plans”

[Brian] “There’s a place for everyone in farming Pat”

[Pat] “Do you think so? isn’t this mega diary rather going to give a lie to that? It’s going to put all other dairy farmers at risk”

[Brian] “Not at all. There’ll be plenty of room for the kind of niche farming you do”

[Pat] “Niche farming? Is that what I’m doing? I’d prefer to call it proper farming!”

[Brian] “*Huff*, well that’s debateable”

[Pat] “Not to me. I’d rather run a niche farm than a factory!”

[Brian] “What we are planning is not factory farming, that’s grossly inaccurate!”

Though Pat did wangle out of Brian that while the Super Dairy will have ‘only’ 1,500 cows at first, they’ll increase that as soon as they get the chance. But:

[Brian] “We’re not going to be keeping them like battery hens, if that’s what you’re suggesting”

[Pat] “Cows are herd animals who chew the cud, they should be outside with other cows eating grass”

[Brian] “Come on Pat, this is 2012, not 1912!”

[Pat] “The cows haven’t changed”

[Brian] “Well everything else has!”

[Pat] “No it hasn’t”

[Brian] “Okay I agree, there is one thing that hasn’t, farming is a business and it always was, businesses have to change to survive, what else is your rebranding is about”

[Pat] “It’s hardly equivalent, but that doesn’t matter does it, as long as you can feel you’ve scored a cheap point .. we’re all entitles to our opinions, but you seem to think yours is the only one that counts, you can just railroad this through without any meaningful consultation with the local community at all”

Pat goes on to say that they all only found out about the Super Dairy because the Echo broke the story. Brian reckons he was about to do a consultation anyway. Pat reckons that’s nonsense. He’d have only done a consultation when it was too late. Pat goes on to say that the Echo has done a superb job in bringing the Super Dairy to everyone’s attention.

[Brian] “Oh, you’re praising the Echo now, are you … I seem to remember you felt rather differently about our local press in the summer … you’re not so keen on the Echo’s investigative journalism When they’re investigating you!”

[Pat] “Maybe I’m not, what possible relevance does that have to what we’re talking about. If you can’t debate your case without restoring to smear tactics …”


I reckon Pat won that round.

But would seem Brian still went ahead and shopped at Ambridge Organics. Jennifer late thanked him for getting everything she wanted.

Rufus is fast at websites

He’s already got BL’s Super Dairy one up and running (though Brian did say “at last!”. He really does expect miracles!)

[Jennifer] “Makes the new housing sound like a five start hotel !”

But Jennifer is less impressed to hear about Brian’s run in with Pat,

[Jennifer] “On Brian, we’d agreed, we were trying to build bridges between Pat and Tony!”

But Brian wins Jennifer round (as per) with talk of how Pat is difficult, illogical, dogmatic. Jennifer can only concur.

He reckons it’s a complete waste of time trying to win round people like Pat. They need to go for “neutrals”.

Brian wants Adam to shut up

Though Jennifer claims Adam was not trying to cause trouble for him.

It sounds like neither Jennifer nor Brian actually heard Adam on the radio – just third hand.

And Brian seems to be taking it okay. He just seems more irritated than furious.

So, if Adam could kindly put a sock in it, Brian will be happy enough.

Pip’s Celebrity Lamb gets the go ahead

Pip was presenting to Hassett Hill today.

While they didn’t like the name of her Celebrity lamb – Hassle (!) – they loved the rest of her ideas.
So, can we expect Pip’s live to go viral soon? Or, will it just be like Tom’s pigs playing footie … no-where to be seen …

Enthused by the enthusiasm of Hassett Hill, Pip now also wants to do lamb recipes (in addition to the Hassett Hill lamb mint burgers).

Now Pip wants to do another lamb receipt (as well as the Hassett Hill mint burgers),

(doesn’t she sound just like Tom Archer … god help us all!)

BUT David reckons developing a new product takes money. Which Pip doesn’t want to hear, considering the amount they’re just about to spend on a slurry tank for the dairy side of the business.

[Pip] “£22,000 just to stay in the same place. Ugh, it just doesn’t make sense!”

From what David was saying earlier on, he’s starting to think the same.

Mind you – maybe he’ll change his mind when he talks to Ruth.

I think she’d choose her cows over David any day.

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