Thursday 29 November 2012

Lynda shall play Prospero: Thurs 08.11.12 #thearchers

The Archers Thursday 8th November 2012
  • Naomi has a “mardy face”
  • Kenton demands praise
  • The Elizabethan Christmas show marches on
  • Fallon wants Rhys
  • Bob Pullen still isn’t too well
  • Freddie’s looking forward to extra maths
  • Is Hayley for the chop?
  • “Such stuff as dreams are made on”

Naomi has a “mardy face”

Which Fallon won’t have to put up with anymore. Naomi’s quit.

Fallon feels rather superior, as she feels Naomi was behaving unfairly. After all, Naomi had the same opportunity to get the Manager job.


Seems not so.

Kirsty had a hand in it.

[Kirsty] “I might have kind of possibly hinted to Don that all the staff were really hacked off when Naomi was manager.”

[Fallon] “I really don’t know what to say. You’re really quite sly, aren’t you. I’d better watch my back!”

Kenton demands praise

[Kenton] “Aren’t you proud of me mum, your son is being a Lord!”


This Lord of Misrule is certainly going to Kenton’s head.

The Elizabethan Christmas show marches on

With Kenton as the Lord of Misrule and Macbeth’s witches organised, Lynda feels she finally has a show.

Christine and Jill have been researching Elizabethan food. Collar of Brawn (pork loin, boiled a week in advance, marinated in spices). Real mince pies. Marzipan.

[Jill] “If it was good enough for Queen Bess, I’m sure it’ll do for you.”

Fallon wants Rhys

Well, we all know that.

But, she specifically wants him to work at Jaxx.

[Fallon] “Just like when running the pub together but all the time.”

Fallon sounds very excited. Rhys doesn’t.

He doesn’t want to leave The Bull. He likes the punters. It’s a short walk from his flat. And he wouldn’t want to leave Jolene and Kenton short.

[Fallon] “Don’t worry, eh, just thought it might be an easy solution.”

When she’s later speaking about it to Kirsty.

[Fallon] “I’m just so disappointed Kirsty. I thought he'd jump at the chance.”

[Kirsty] “Unless of course you’re upset it might have to do less with where he works than with who … okay, so I got it wrong, Rhys is a sweet bloke though, if you were hoping that you and him …”

Fallon doth protest …

Bob Pullen still isn’t too well

In fact, he’s very frail.

Jill’s having to take his shopping to him.

Oh dear.

Freddie’s looking forward to extra maths

Seems Ifty has enthused him about his tutoring.

Is Hayley for the chop?

The consultant’s report on Lower Loxley is in.

Seems the business is viable. But their costs are up, while spend per head is down.

The consultant wasn’t very positive about the school trips – seems they don’t add any profit. Which isn’t very good news for Hayley.

The new suggestions are courses – art, cookery, further education. They should get sponsorship for the art gallery, and hold larger exhibitions.

Elizabeth and Lewis also revisit the Old Dairy plans to turn it into wedding accommodation. Seems Nigel didn’t want it to happen, as the accommodation would be too close to their house.

[Elizabeth] “But times change.”

[Jill] “It’s your decision love, just don’t bite off more than you can chew … the business is nothing without your health.”

But, we haven’t heard Elizabeth so positive in a long time. She now has a plan to work to, and isn’t being held back by what Nigel would have done.

Anyhoo – this could all be very, very bad news for the Tuckers.

“Such stuff as dreams are made on”

Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits, and
Are melted into air, into thin air:
And like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp'd tow'rs, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve,
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on; and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.

(The Tempest, Act 4, Scene 1)

Lynda was quite amazed Kenton could quote part of the speech above.

[Lynda] “Good grief! You know it.”

Kenton tells Lynda she should play Prospero, and end the night’s revelry. He reckons she’s a sort of Prospero anyway, as the Director.

She at first says no, out of modesty.

But is soon persuaded.

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