Friday 7 January 2011

The Archers Fri 7th Jan 2011: Everyone's Guilty

  • Jill gets a result
  • The slow dance of Jolene and Kenton
  • Dismissed by Elizabeth
  • Is there anyone not feeling guilty?
  • That’s why she’s Saint Shula

Jill gets a result

That’s the thing with Jill. She’s generally right.

It felt a bit too soon to me too, but Jill was insistent with Elizabeth that the kids should go back to school on Monday.

Elizabeth isn’t ready, but Jill wants thinks it:

[Jill] “might help to have something normal … take their mind of it”

[Elizabeth] ““Normal? How can anything be normal? … I wish I could forget, just for a second.”

But Jill also thinks I’d help Elizabeth if she had time to herself.

[Jill] “off to school, then you can cry, scream, whatever you want”

I’m not too sure if Elizabeth was just too tired to argue, but she agrees.

Mum does know best.

The slow dance of Jolene and Kenton

Jolene has sent a card to Elizabeth, and Kenton was very touched that she also send him a card.

It must be tough for him. The best friend isn’t really the focal point after a death

[Kenton] “Jolene, who is going to make me laugh now, eh?”

[Kenton] “All those miserable so-and-sos that there are in the world, and God takes the funny ones”

Jolene agreed, as she missed Sid for the same reason (eh? Sid, funny? I can only assume she meant funny peculiar, than funny ha ha)

Later on, Jolene bumps into Kenton again.

He finally speaks about the fact that it was his idea to put the banner up in the first place. So he thinks it was his fault.

[Jolene] “If you think like that, it’ll drive you crazy … all this guilt, it’s no use to anybody”

Actually – I think Kenton does have a point.

It was his idea. It was his knot that Nigel couldn’t undo. If he hadn’t been busy at Jaxx the next day, the banner would have never come to mind that night. And if he had gone up rather than David, he’d have sorted his own knot.

BUT. I’m not saying it is his fault. Just that I can see why he has more right to feel guilty than many.

Anyway, so off Jolene and Kenton trotted for a wee walk up Lakey Hill.

Where many a mickle has made a muckle …

Dismissed by Elizabeth

Jill had called a family meeting, but Elizabeth interrupted it (while supposed to be having a rest) and sent them all packing.

She wasn’t aggressive about it. She just wanted to have some time to herself with her kids. And for everyone else to get a break from her, plus spend time at their own homes.

Elizabeth has even called Alan to arrange the funeral.

Progress already?

Is there anyone not feeling guilty?

Kenton – because he suggested the banner in the first place

David – because he insisted they went up on the roof that night

And now Ruth:

[Ruth] “my very first thought … thank god it wasn’t David … how do you make it makes me feel that I could be so selfish?”

Ruth also feels guilty that it’s David supporting Elizabeth when he’s also going through immense grief and guilt.

(from previous days, we can also add:

Helen - feels guilty for being happy about Harry

Pat – ditto

Pip – for also being thankful it wasn’t David)

Mass suicide pact in Ambridge?

That’s why she’s Saint Shula

After Elizabeth had told everyone to leave, she was confused to find Shula in her kitchen, getting lunch ready.

Shula knows what Elizabeth’s going through – and also knows her sister too well.

[Shula] “…I remember doing exactly the same thing when mark died … i thought it’d be alright, but I wasn’t”


“It took every ounce of courage I possessed to ring Alan.

“To say the words … just a word, how will I deal with the reality?

“ … I don’t know how to deal with the pain, the emptiness., I feel like I’m falling into a black hole ...

“ I don’t know how to carry on without Nigel.

I don’t think I can do it”

Add to that Elizabeth also feels she’s dragging the kids down with her, and we have a very frightening set of emotions.

But, Shula wouldn’t let that happen. As she showed today, she’s not going to let Elizabeth fall too far – and she has the experience which really matters.

As much as Saint Shula was named for her rather odious sense of righteousness, I suppose we can also give her the title for being rather wonderful in this crisis.

And the saddest thing … it normally have been Nigel hiring in harpists to cheer Elizabeth up.



James said...

So are Kenton and Joelene going to get it on or what? :)

SewingSooo said...


fleurblanc said...

I too live in a household where I am the only one that listens to the Archers & at work even mentioning that you listen to Radio 4 means that you are instantly considered "odd". It is therefore such a pleasure to be able to pick up the views of others on the latest episodes. Over the last week I haven't managed to get through any of the episodes without weeping at some point!!!

Thank you so much for taking the time to write your blog - long may it continue, as I enjoy it so much.

Anonymous said...

AS you said:
"It must be tough for him. The best friend isn’t really the focal point after a death"

Funnily enough, nor is EX-wife. Kathy didn't understand that one!

Inga McVicar said...

James/SewingSooo - I reckon there's been enough hints about Jolene and Kenton BUT we all know that hints can often lead to nowt.

I reckon they're noth lonely enough - more of a mistake than a relationship?

I'm not sure Kenton would cope with havign to compete with Sid (again!)

Inga McVicar said...

Hello fleurblanc

Welcome indeed - and cheers for your kind comments. It's great knowing that I'm not just waffling to myself (though that was the original intention!).

Keep commenting - we may all be odd, but we can be odd together!

Inga McVicar said...

*laughs* Anon

Yup - Kathy seemed to forget her and Sid had split up many moons before he died.

I reckon it was fair enough she was so upset (I suppose sometimes you don't know how much you love someone until they die).

But yes - she could have done a better job in at least being a tad more sane ...