Friday 2 December 2011

The Archers Thursday 1st December 2011: The Mart opens (formal, this time)

  • David’s more stressed than his beast
  • Brian’s paranoid
  • The case of the red coat(s)
  • Brian didn’t like a mention of Mandy Beesborough
  • There was buzzing
  • Ruth fluffing the beast …
  • I thought it was a mayoress
  • A gorgeous Ayrshire
  • Brookfield finely balanced
  • Joe does a cracking PR job

David’s more stressed than his beast

[David] “You want all year to make a good impression at the Christmas Prize Stock Show”

David is impressed by the facilities at the new Mart – which makes at least one Ambridge resident.
Eddie’s flat out making sure everyone knows where to now go at the new Mart. He sounds happy enough, but thinks having a cup of tea at the nearby garden centre doesn’t compare with the few pints he used to have at the Seven Bells.

The price of progress.

Brian’s paranoid

He won’t even let them switch the Christmas lights on, in case is shorts the electricity again.

Though, he does let them switch them on after the sale. After all, if they go out, he won’t be bothered by it. He’ll be on holiday.

The case of the red coat(s)

[David] “Annabelle Shrivener looks dazzling today”

[Eddie] “Out of our league, anyroad”

(later on, when Eddie chats to Annabelle in front of Clarrie, it seemed Clarrie was a bit jealous. Surely not, after 30 years?)

Seems she’s wearing a red coat and a Cossack hat.

[Jennifer] “What a lovely coat. Not everyone can wear scarlet …”


[Annabelle] “I think it’s closer to cherry red …”

But didn’t Lilian buy a new red coat the other day?


Right enough.

Turns out it’s the same red coat.

The shame.

Clarrie also didn’t make much of Annabelle’s hat.

[Clarrie] “Looks like an overweight cat sat in her head!”

Brian didn’t like a mention of Mandy Beesborough

Brian was talking to the Lord Lieutenant.

Seems he owns Stornton Manor.

Which struck a memory for Annabelle.

[Annabelle] “Didn’t he have a fling with Mandy Bereesborough?”

[Brian] “Did he? Oh …”

And he deftly switches the conversation …

There was buzzing

Brian panicked at the sound of buzzing from the sound system. When that happened the other day,. The whole electrics blew.

Annabelle said she didn’t hear it.

But we did.

Never mind. It didn’t short out.

Ruth fluffing the beast …

While David put his white jacket on.

Only in farming.

I thought it was a mayoress

But Brian welcomed Mr Major.

A gorgeous Ayrshire

David didn’t even place.

Which he’s gutted about.

Seems everyone’s eye was taken by a rather spiffing looking Ayrshire.

[Eddie] “That winning Ayrshire was gorgeous, perfectly balanced, style and class …”

[David] “Surly beggar … “

(the farmer of the Ayrshire, not the Ayrshire itself)

[Ruth] “You can’t win every year, pet”

[Ben] “Well I think the judge is a loser. We’ll prove him wrong dad. We’ll get tonnes and tonnes of Christmas orders!”

Brookfield finely balanced

Ruth now wants to switch to a new milk processor to get a better deal, but David is worried about wrecking their reputation.

[Ruth] “Well, we’ve got to do something. One sudden big expense and that’s us in trouble”

Joe does a cracking PR job

Brian’s glowing from the success of the official Mart launch, but bad news awaits him in the Echo:
It’s light out for the new cattle market

[Jennifer] “And I think they’re found their angle … freezing pensioner queued in vain for a hot drink when the electrics failed … they spent millions on this new-fangled market and UI could get a cup of tea … the plucky pensioner … there was wartime spirit, chuckled veteran Joe, Senior Executive of Grundy Enterprises and star of Radio Borchester’s Joe’s Jotties”

Joe managed to also mention his holly, and got a plug in for the nearby garden centre.

[Brian, laughing] “Oh, the old rogue!”


caroline_venezia said...

I assume Rory (Ruaridh ?) isn't going on this holiday to the Maldives ? After the (very mild) drama of his first week or two at boarding school, he seems to have been totally forgotten !

Inga McVicar said...

That's a very good point indeed. Didn;t sound like he was, did it? Poor mite. Out of sight, out of the holidays ...