Wednesday 21 December 2011

Erin (possibly) dumps Daniel: Ambridge Extra Tuesday 13th December 2011

  • Erin shall not go to the ball
  • Demons, Devils and God
  • Alistair looking out for himself?
  • Shula’s made enough deserts to last until after New Year

Erin shall not go to the ball

Erin seems to be avoiding Daniel, and rushing away from him when he does catch her. She also doesn’t sound too keen to spend time with him over the holidays.

When he shows her a photo of him in his new dinner jacket, she says without much enthusiasm:

[Erin] “Yeah, you look nice”

[Daniel] “Okay to wear to the ball then?”

[Erin, with even less enthusiasm] “Fine”

She then drops the bombshell that she won’t be going to the ball.

[Erin] “Look Dan, I think we’d better forget it. I’m sorry. I’ve got to go.”

Daniel – to himself - Forget it … she just means the ball, doesn’t she? Doesn’t she?

Indeed Daniel. Stood up (with notice), or completely dumped?

Demons, Devils and God

Mabel tells Alan that she’s been feeling worse, and quite low, since he told her that Catherine had been bullied for a long time before she snapped and stabbed that girl.

[Alan] “I’m so sorry … I’d hoped it would help you come to terms with it. Finding out what motivated her”

[Mabel] “But why could Catherine never tell me about it. Was I such an ogre … she couldn’t tell her own mother but she could tell a stranger?”

So Alan gets on his bike (to drive up to see Mabel).

Mabel is worried that she was too stern with Catherine – which led to Catherine never telling her about the bullying as it was happening, or the real reason why she ended up in a secure home.

[Mabel] “With no man in the house, I had to be father and mother to her … I looked around, I saw lax parenting, children going off the rails, it starts with answering back, and staying out late, and I didn’t want my Catherine going that way … and then she did something worse, much worse … to take that knife and hurt that girl so badly … the shame, it was almost more than I couldn't bear .. and Catherine know it, she could see the shame in me, no wonder she couldn’t bring herself to confide in me”

[Alan] “Perhaps she just needed to say it once. Whatever she did, it wasn’t because she didn’t love you … she want to extremes to protect you … in some way, she was still trying to protect you even when after she was released … I’m sure she talked about it to God, of course, her faith was so strong”

[Mabel] “But at the time the Church wasn’t much help at all … folk I thought were my friends, who I’d stood with and sung with and worshipped with, they didn’t want to know me no more. There was talk of the demons that had got into Catherine, how the devil had her doing his work, and all the time the finger pointing at me … it wasn’t just the church, I’d see people talking about me when I went to the shop, to work …”

So Mabel moved her and Catherine from London to Bradford. To make a fresh start.

[Alan] “Mabel, society in those days was very rigid, more judgemental … but through it all, God know the truth. He knew how complex the picture was. He loved you both. And he still does”

And they pray together.

Whether you have faith or not, it’s at moments like these when faith can heal and join folks together. Mabel feels better, and feels the whole saga has been “put to bed”.

BUT, Alan still wants to tell Amy.

Thankfully, Mabel disagrees. She’s glad Amy knows nothing about the letters, about the secure home, about Alan’s recent anguish.

[Mabel] “And that’s a blessing isn’t it? If the ear don’t hear, the heart done grieve”

Alistair looking out for himself?

Daniel gets in from school.

Alistair – to himself - He doesn’t look very happy … is it Erin, I wonder? Has she said anything?

Alistair later braves going into Daniel’s room to talk to him.

[Daniel] “I think it might be over between me and Erin”

Alistair – to himself - Oh lord

But not to worry Alistair – it’s not over you. As far as Daniel knows …

He tells Alistair that she’s been funny for a few days. And about how she said:

[Daniel] “…we should forget it … seems she was dumping me”

[Alistair] “Did she say anything else, any reason why?”

[Daniel] “No … And I was never quite sure if I was doing it right … I mean, being a boyfriend. Is it something I’ve done, or not done, or done too much too much or not enough?”

[Alistair] “Daniel I’m sure it’s not you. Relationships can be a minefield … sometimes you just have to accept that you’re not the right people for each other … just accept it’s over, think fondly of the good times, and move on”

Alistair was muttering in his head that he was sticking the knife in by agreeing with Daniel that he thinks it’s over between them.

Alistair – to himself - causing him this pain. So unnecessary

[Alistair] “Don’t worry. You will find someone more right for you”

So it’s a big sigh of relief for Alistair. And he agrees with Daniel that they won’t tell Shula as yet – Daniel wants a bit of time to deal with it himself before he has to deal with his mum being disappointed.

She later mentions that she’s looking forward to meeting Erin’s parents at tomorrow’s school concert.

So that’s two things he’s hiding from his wife.

Still think Erin is a bunny boiler … if she has dumped Daniel, it would suggest she only went out with him in the first place to get close to Alistair. Calculating and a bit cold …

Shula’s made enough deserts to last until after New Year

Well done Shula.

And she lets Daniel have a can of cider.

Rock n’ roll indeedy.

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