Saturday 10 March 2012


The Archers Tuesday 6th March 2012

  • There were never such devoted sisters
  • Lilian to give up ciggies?
  • Jennifer needs to speak to Adam


Was one of the chants at the Mart demonstration today, joined with:


Cliff, the chap who’d project managed the build of the Mart, called Brian down to see a demonstration that was taking place. The demonstrators even had banners and leaflets!

[Brian] “It’s all about the dairy. The anti-brigade, would you believe. They’re trying to persuade farmers to support them and boycott the market … there’s only a dozen or so, but they’re causing quite a nuisance”

When Brian gets there, he estimates there’s more like 25 to 30 of them.

[Brian] “Look at them. Talk about a rabble. Where did they all come from?”

But Brian does recognise at least two of them.

[Brian] “Kirsty … our local tree hugger with her comrade Patrick”

Brian wants to know what they can do to move the demonstrators on. Cliff has had the Police out, but there’s nothing they can (or want) to do.

[Cliff] “Peaceful demonstrators excorcising their lawful right to protest”

[Brian] “What about the lawful rights of these farmers not to be harassed on their way into market?”

[Cliff] “There was something about the demonstrators having to notify the council”

But the Police are waiting on the right Council department to call them back to verify if that’s been done.

[Brian] “I’m going inside away from this scrum”

Later on, Brian has found out that the protestors didn’t notify the council BUT now that they’re started, they can’t really be stopped.

(begs the question of why they need to notify in the first place)

[Cliff] “They’ve got a nerve, haven’t they. Demonstrating at the market. When all’s said and done, what’s it got to do with your dairy scheme?”

It’s all to do with BL.

And more are now turning up. At which point Cliff leaves (he was only there to fix a specific technical problem), giving Brian the “Best of British” wishes.

Brian certainly needed it, after deciding that he’ll go out and:

[Brian] “see if I can calm things down”

Oh dear.

Brian doesn’t exactly have a soothing personality …

When Brian gets outside, he’s met with boos. When he asks who is in charge, Kirsty responds in a bit of a bizarre way:

[Kirsty] “Liberty and compassion, Brian”


[Kirsty] “This is nothing personal, you understand”

[Brian] “I’m glad to see you’re all so concerned about the diet and welfare of livestock”

[Kirsty] “It’s a shame you and BL directors seem to care … your cows won’t even get to see daylight”

But Brian doesn’t want a debate there and then, and asks them to leave.

[Brian] “Why don’t you pack up quietly, and get back to work, or wherever it is you go to”

(aye, that’s the way to get them on your side Brian!)

[Kirsty] “There are a lot of people out there who really hate your scheme … this is our way, and it won’t be the last time you see us. So you better get used to it Brian”

Oh-ho! Attacked on all side now. Couldn’t happen to a nicer chap.

There were never such devoted sisters

Lilian is arranging to collect Jennifer so they can both go and see Tony together.

[Lilian] “Shirt and sweet might be best … what he needs is some TLC from his sisters”

Jennifer’s brought a “scrumptious” (according to Tony) cake. Lilian’s brought an “assortment of nuts” because they have the “right sort of fatty acids” (according to Lilian’s healthy eating recipe book, which can’t have had much use …). Lilian felt she need to take something as Jennifer was taking something.

[Jennifer] “It’s not a competition Lilian”

[Lilian] “Oh yes it is. We don’t want him thinking I care less about him than you do”

(all said in jest)

Tony’s saying that while he now has to take pills for blood pressure and cholesterol, the doctors are saying Tony’s problems stems from stress rather than diet.

Jennifer sounded a bit sheepish after he’d said that … (guilt’s a terrible thing).

Tony has also had a call from a rehab specialist. And Helen has bought him a “gadget” so that he can check his own blood pressure. Tony tries to put it on Lilian to show them how it works.

[Lilian] “Take it away darling, with my lifestyle, it’ll go right off the scale!”

But to be serious:

[Lilian] “After all darling, it’s much too soon for us to lose our little brother”

[Jennifer] “Yes. Yes it is”

[Tony] “Well, that’s nice of you, thanks, both of you”

Lilian to give up ciggies?

As Jennifer and Lilian are driving home, they agree that Tony is looking a lot better. But:

[Lilian] “He’s still a long way from the Tony we know and love”

[Jennifer] “It’s all made me think very hard about our lifestyle …”

And she goes on to speak about how good their diet is, that they take exercise …

[Lilian] “Oh dear, I’m a hopeless case aren’t I? Perhaps I should have another bash at giving up the ciggies”

Jennifer needs to speak to Adam

Jennifer’s telling Lilian that while the Super Dairy has been stressing her, and nearly tore her family apart, she’s now sighing relief that Adam and Brian have “talked sensibly”.

So Jennifer seems to think everyone’s bessie pals again. But she does admit that she’s only heard this from Brian.

[Lilian] “Well, you can’t argue with a handshake, I suppose”

You can if it was only done to get the other person to shut up and go away!

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