Wednesday 30 March 2011

The Archers Sunday 27th March 2011: Eddie cooks Sunday lunch

  • Eddie went down the supermarket!!!!
  • When it started to go wrong
  • Can one play games over the phone?
  • Even Kathy is sick of herself nagging
  • Lunch at Emma’s
  • Emma doesn’t want no Fool’s baby
  • Now that’s taking the chicken!
  • At least Kathy and Jamie laughed together
  • Clarrie arrives home

Eddie went down the supermarket!!!!

Now that’s not a very Ambridge thing to do.

Needs must though, I suppose.

And what did he get for his and Joe’s sneaky Sunday lunch (which they’re not meant to have, as they’re meant to be forgoing for lent).

[Eddie] “ A nice plump chicken, a bag of frozen veg, roasties, and some mini Yorkshires”

Joe seemed quite taken aback that mini Yorkshires exist.

[Joe] “How do they do that then, supermarkets?”

So there we go – by cheating lent, Joe’s food experiences have widened!

When it started to go wrong

For starters – Clarrie decided she’d return home after Church, rather than go straight over to Ed and Emma’s (as Eddie and Joe had planned, and cajoled, for her to do).

[Clarrie] “I don’t expect she wants me for dinner at all except you two has gone and got me invited”

Eddie was cheeky enough to then say that Clarrie going to Ed and Emma’s would be a treat and a rest (aye right - her and Emma haven’t exactly been getting on recently), and Joe was quite put out that it would mean his Sunday lunch would have to be cooked late.

[Joe] “She ain't going out til nearly dinner time!”

Both Eddie and Joe completely missed the fact that Clarrie was returning home, mainly to iron their shirts.

(at this point, I was very happy that the forecast for them getting away with their dastardly plan was not at all good).

Can one play games over the phone?

Now I’m certainly no technophobe.

I have an iPhone (4), a Wii (free with a previous phone), 3 computers in the house (2 for work), know how to Skype, and can still set a video recorder.

But, I don’t get why/how Jamie was playing against Marty over the phone.

Were they playing something online while calling each other? Or can you play a game on a phone while on a call?

Enlighten me, someone. Maybe it’s my age. I did turn a whopping 35 today …

Even Kathy is sick of herself nagging

I don’t know about you, but the shouting between Jamie and Kathy seems quite muted compared to previous bouts.

Kathy’s also just fed up of the whole thing.

[Kathy] “Sometimes I really get sick of saying the same things, just like you”

She’s on at Jamie to revise, which is absolutely fair enough. That’s exactly what parents are for.

But, as per, he’s being a sarcastic wee blighter, who is bluffing just to get Kathy to leave him alone. That revision plan doesn’t exist, does it Jamie …?

Lunch at Emma’s

(Ed’s as well, but he was running late so we didn’t get to hear him. Also sounded like his lasagne was going to spoil … though it was last night’s (always better) and Emma now cooks up big batches to see them through, which Clarrie highly approved of. Anyway, I digress …)

As it’s Lent, Clarrie can’t have any tomato, pickle or salad with her bread and cheese.

Poor Emma (and you’ll not often see me say that) feels rotten having to give Clarrie such a basic meal. Especially considering their rather lukewarm relationship, recently.

[Emma] “It don’t feel very hospitable, that’s all”

But, not to worry, as Clarrie appreciates the thought.

In case Emma was still paranoid, Clarrie then says she has to rush off.

[Clarrie] “It’s been lovely. And really nice of you to have me. I’ve just got this feeling about Joe and Eddie ..”


Emma doesn’t want no Fool’s baby

[Emma] “I don’t want it coming on April Fools day and I’m determined not to have it on George’s birthday”

Seemingly George is being quite clingy – probably hasn’t got over the jumpers being thrust into his (chest of) drawers.

I wonder.

It would give Will so much ammunition if Ed and Emma did have a baby born on April Fools. Even more so if they ruin George’s life by having it on his special day.

George being too clingy

Now that’s taking the chicken!

Not content with pushing Clarrie onto Emma (and vice versa) – not content with sneaking around Clarrie's back – not content with taking the Michael out of Lent … Eddie then more-or-less wishes Emma to have a problem with the baby so that Clarrie will have to stay, and give him and Joe a chance to gorge themselves.

[Eddie] “If Clarrie stays with her, it will give us a bit more time, won’t it?”

Such wickedness? Eddie!!!

They had no idea that Clarrie was on her way home, then, just as they’re sitting down to eat, the phone rings. And rings. And rings. And rings.

It’s Emma, who is a very patient caller, to say that Clarrie has left her glasses at hers.

[Joe] “Clarrie’s coming!”

At least Kathy and Jamie laughed together

[Kathy] “What on earth …? What are they doing??”

Kathy and Jamie can see all of Eddie and Joe’s shenanigans from their window (I think they actually live in the cottage next to them – semi-detached?).

They spot Eddie running to the van with plates of food, and Joe running to the shed with pots.

[Jamie] “The Grundy’s are the best thing about living in Ambridge. They are crazy”

As much as I berate Joe and Eddie for their behaviour, at least they gave us a few seconds respite from the war that is Kathy and Jamie.

Clarrie arrives home

[Clarrie] “Have you been cooking summit have you? You know. Cooking. Food. You put it in the oven raw. It comes out cooked.”

(Eddie swears his innocence. Laughing at the very idea of him cooking)

[Clarrie] “Yes you. Cooking. ha ha ha”

(those ‘ha ha ha’s were said in a very mocking tone)

Clarrie says she can most definitely smell chicken, not quite masked by her air freshener.

[Eddie] “Too much cheese. You’re hallucinating”

But – what’s this - a classic mistake!

In their haste to get the good grub, Eddie and Joe had forgotten to eat (or hide) the bread and cheese Clarrie had left out for them.

Huge mistake.

Even if only bread and cheese for lunch, Eddie and Joe would have been bound to eat it.

Unless they had something better.

So, treating them like bairns, Clarrie makes them sit down to their cheese and bread.

While their Sunday lunch goes cold in the van and the shed.

Serves them quite right.

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